Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Emotional Intelligence in Sport-Related Contexts: Review of Literature


Prof. Hicham Brir and Dr. Taoufik Khotbi*

The current paper presents a review of the literature on Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its models. The aim is to review three renowned models commonly used in the field of EI, namely the Four-branch model by Mayer and Salovey (1997), Goleman’s Emotional Competences model (1998), and Bar-On’s Emotional and Social Intelligence model (2006). This paper also includes implications of EI models for sport-related contexts. This review of the literature adheres to a holistic approach of sports training, and performance enhancement where EI is deemed necessary for mental resilience, better decision-making and stress management. In this endeavour, similarities between the three models are highlighted, and their implications in the field of sports is explored and discussed.


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