Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Functional Strength Exercises for Young Basketball Players Using Muscular Elongation and the Impact of Their Synchronization on Explosive Power and Some Indicators (Emg) of The Muscles of The Legs


Zainab Mizher Khalaf*

The study aims to develop synchronization exercises between functional strength and muscular elongation for basketball players in order to determine the effect of synchronization on explosive power and some muscle indicators (EMG) in their legs. The experimental approach was used, with the experimental and control groups designed on a sample that was purposefully chosen by (100%) of the Al-Sulaikh youth club players, a total of (14) players. The researcher created the exercises by synchronizing the functional strength and muscle elongation of the two legs after defining the tests with each player's vertical jump performance and placing the four sensors of the (EMG) device on the muscles of the legs for each of the thigh and working leg at the moment of the jump. In addition, by playing in a similar manner, especially when jumping, to perform peaceful and lateral scoring skills with basketball, by using rubber ropes, wooden boxes, and medical balls, and by adopting heavy loads in rationing them in the manner of repetitive training in accordance with the specificity of the synchronization of exercises. The results show that combining functional strength training with muscular elongation assists young basketball players in developing explosive leg strength, increasing the level of the peak electrical signal, and decreasing the time it takes for each of the working muscles in the lower extremities (rectus femoris, quadriceps).


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