Immunity Indices Improve In Children with Cerebral Palsy Following Laser Acupuncture Bio-Stimulation
One of the most common diseases that is the reason of severe neurological disability is Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP worldwide prevalence is average 1-4 per 1000 live births. The purpose of study was to confirm the impact of laser acupuncture therapy in improvement of immunity indices in children with spastic CP by rising NK cells count. From the pediatric outpatient clinic of the National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES) and the physical therapy outpatient clinic at Benha Fever Hospital, 40 children with spastic CP aged 1 to 3 years of both genders were recruited. They were split into two groups of equal number at random: The physical therapy sessions for Group A (the control group) consisted of one hour each session, three times each week, for a total of 12 weeks. In addition to their regular physical treatment, participants in Group B (the study group) also underwent 780 nm Diode laser acupuncture with an output power of 50 mw three times weekly for a total of 12 sessions. All children in both groups had their NK cells (CD16 CD56) measured by flow cytometry using “BD Facscalibur” with two different colors before and after treatment. Statistical tests were performed on the data. Counts of NK cells (CD16, CD56) differed significantly between group A and group B after treatment, with group B having a higher total. The results of this study showed that the number of NK cells in the children with spastic CP increased after they had laser acupuncture treatment.
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