Molecular detection of opportunistic bacteria Pantoea spp. From different human samples
Reyam Abdul Khuder Mohammed, Salim Shamkhi Jaffer, Noor Flayyih Hasan and Mustafa Salah Hasan*
The aim of this study was molecular detection of opportunistic bacteria Pantoea spp. From different human samples. From June 2021 to June 2022, 141 clinical samples were gathered from clinics throughout the Babylon province. Swabs were taken from various clinical samples, including 28 samples from the pharynx, ears (26), stool (22), wounds (18), pus (15), cough (17) and burns (16). These samples were cultured on primary medium, then biochemical tests were done for identification of bacteria. The DNA of bacteria were extracted by using kit purchased from (Promega, Madison). Pantoea species were identified using gene 16rsRNA primers. By bacteriological methods, out of 140 samples, 6 isolates were suspected as Pantoea spp. On MacConkey agar, smooth, convex, punctate, umbilicated fermenting lactose, shining colonies were produced, after Gram staining revealed Gram negative rods. The molecular way demonstrates that the isolates are from Pantoea species. During this investigation, the PCR method has a 100% sensitivity rate for isolating isolates.
In conclusion, Pantoea spp. was isolated from different human sources in significant percentage, which may be causative agent for different diseases.
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