Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Research Article - (2024) Volume 19, Issue 2


Nur Alifah*
*Correspondence: Nur Alifah, English Literature Study Program, Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada, Cirebon, Indonesia, Email:
English Literature Study Program, Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada, Cirebon, Indonesia

Received: 05-Apr-2024 Published: 20-Apr-2024


The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted education and made teaching and learning activities use blended learning and Google Classroom as learning media. This research aims to determine the implementation of blended learning using Google Classroom as a language learning media. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research results indicate that using Google Classroom as a platform for implementing Blended Learning at SMP X is common and aims to make learning easier for students. In conclusion, Blended Learning with Google Classroom can improve language learning. However, it is necessary to consider the challenges and recommendations mentioned to achieve optimal results in technology-based education.


Blended learning. Google Classroom. Language Learning


The world wide COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed various aspects of our lives, and the education sector is no exception. Since the outbreak of this virus, schools worldwide have been forced to face serious challenges they had never imagined before. INEfforts to prevent the spread of the virus, such as physical distancing and school closures, have forced us to look for innovative solutions so that education does not stop. (Samudera, 2020)

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim issued Circular Letter 4 of 2020 concerning implementing Education during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic. Since the government stopped all face-to-face learning activities in schools to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, schools have decided to hold distance learning so that students can continue learning as they should. (Fitra, Sitorus, Sinaga, & Marpaung, 2020)

Distance learning has its own positive and negative impacts. Such as for PAUD children, distance learning is less effective because it inhibits their growth, which requires interaction (Amiliya & Giantara, 2021). The solution to ensure that education continues to run is blended learning. Blended learning is the use of one of the technological developments. Blended learning activities are characterized by combining conventional and online learning. The combination of learning is adjusted to the learning objectives (Wicaksono & Rachmadyanti,2017).

Conventional learning activities are carried out as usual, and online learning activities are carried out at home with the help of other media as support. One of the media used in this research sample is Google Classroom. Blended learning activities require other media, such as Google Classroom, because this platform is critical for integrating online and face-to-face learning. Google Classroom and similar platforms are important in creating an integrated and effective learning experience in a blended learning approach. Google Classroom media is one of the features provided by Google to help teachers and students interact and carry out online learning activities (Kamal, Firmansyah, Rafiah, Rahmawan, & Rejito, 2020). Furthermore (El Fauziah, Suryani, & Syahrizal, 2019) also revealed that Google Classroom is a quite popular online learning platform.

According to findings from research conducted by Sabran and Sabara, as stated in research (Rosali, 2020), the use of Google Classroom as a learning media has overall proven to be quite effective, with a trend level of 77.27%.

Google Classroom can be used as a medium for learning all languages, especially at SMP X, which uses Google Classroom to learn languages. The courses at SMP X contain theory and practice. Therefore, research on implementing blended learning with Google Classroom in language learning is an important step to understanding the development of language education in the digital era, identifying opportunities and challenges, and ensuring that language education remains effective and relevant in an ever-changing context.

This research aims to evaluate the implementation of blended learning with Google Classroom as a language learning media. This research will provide benefits in a deeper understanding of how Google Classroom is used in language learning contexts. This can help educators, administrators, and decision-makers in education to design more effective strategies for integrating technology into language learning. This research can identify the challenges teachers and students face in adopting technology in the learning process.

This research is expected to significantly contribute to understanding the implementation of blended learning with Google Classroom in the context of language learning. By exploring the data and analyzing the results, this research will provide a deeper understanding of how effective this approach is in language learning.

Based on the explanation above, researchers are interested in analyzing the implementation of Blended Learning with Google Classroom as a language learning media.


The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to describe phenomena or events systematically according to what they are and conditions in the field. The data used in this research is descriptive qualitative data. The place of this research is SMP X. Data collection was carried out through observation. From the results of observations, researchers analyze the results and interpret them.

Results And Discussion

Use of Google Classroom

The research results show that Google Classroom has become the platform used in implementing blended learning for Language learning at SMP X.

Google Classroom is used to make it easier for students to learn. This research aligns with research (Iftakhar, 2016) entitled "Google Classroom: What Works and How?" which presents information that Google Classroom helps monitor student learning progress. In this platform, teachers can track all student activities during the learning process. Also, interactions between teachers and students can be recorded well.

Google Classroom as a learning tool in the Language Text Course provides advantages in deciphering learning material, both theoretical and practical. (Nurhusna, 2020)

Learning can be carried out both inside and outside the classroom by using technology to complete the lesson material and assignments given in the classroom or through an online platform managed by the teacher.

Level of Student Engagement

Research finds that the level of student engagement in Language learning via Google Classroom varies. Some students are active and participate, while others may need to be more enthusiastic. In line with research (Choirudin & Rahmasari, 2021), it is known that some students need to be more active in responding during discussions in Google Classroom. Student responses in the context of learning activities via Google Classroom tend to be less active, especially during discussions and collecting assignments.

Furthermore, research (Inggriyani, Hamdani, & Dahlan, 2019) states that around half of all students, namely 50%, are actively and fully involved in online learning. Several other students, namely around 33%, are also involved in learning, although their level of participation may not be as active as the first student. However, 17% of students are less active and tend to have a low level of participation in online learning. This means that in online learning, with Google Classroom in particular, students participate less actively.

Quality of Learning Materials

The research results reflect that the quality of learning materials provided through Google Classroom significantly impacts learning effectiveness. More interactive and relevant material tends to improve student understanding. This research aligns with research (Natalia & Kristin, 2021), which states that using Google Classroom learning tools on the quality of learning outcomes is more efficient than ordinary learning.

Difficulty in using Google Classroom

Using Google Classroom as a platform in education can bring several difficulties that must be overcome. One of the main challenges is adapting to technology and understanding how to use these platforms effectively. Many teachers, students, and even parents unfamiliar with Google Classroom or similar technologies may need help navigating the interface, uploading materials, submitting assignment, or communicating online.

One of the disadvantages of using Google Classroom is the lack of interaction. Communication in Google Classroom still needs to run smoothly because the form of communication on this platform is still relatively passive and limited to collecting assignments and responding to lectures given. Therefore, many lecturers finally decided to use other applications as an alternative to increasing more active interaction. (Sendi & Susanti, 2021)

Research (Nurhayati, Az-Zahra, & Herlambang, 2019) suggests that using Google Classroom is practical and fun for students, but the lack of features provided makes users need clarification.

Some students face financial burdens in using personal internet data. Another challenge is the difficulty of accessing information from old posts due to the streaming system, where newer information is placed at the top, and old posts are increasingly difficult to find (Kumar, Bervell, & Osman, 2020).

Additionally, limited technological accessibility is a significant problem. Some students may need a personal computer device or a stable internet connection, which may hinder them from participating in online learning. This can also result in accessibility gaps among students.

Another challenge is time management. Online learning requires students to have high self-discipline in managing their study time. Sometimes, students can find it easier to stay focused and productive with direct supervision from a teacher.

Communication is also a relevant issue in using Google Classroom. How teachers communicate with students, how students interact with each other, and how parents are involved in the learning process must be considered.

In the face of these difficulties, educators, students, and parents must work together to increase their understanding of Google Classroom, provide technical support, and create a more inclusive and well-managed learning environment. The better we can address these challenges, the more effectively Google Classroom can be used as a learning tool in education.

The Teacher's Role in Blended Learning using Google Classroom Media

Educators have used online learning to simplify the teaching and learning process during the pandemic (Putra & Fitrayati, 2021).

Utilizing Google Classroom does not require real-time engagement. As a teacher, teachers must have skills in managing documents and classes efficiently. Mastering information and communication technology is the key to managing online learning effectively. This is important so that the online learning process can run smoothly, especially in the context of the new normal era, and to ensure that the quality of education continues to achieve the goals set by the Government.

Technology-based learning through the Internet network provides a new dimension to the learning process, which previously depended heavily on the role of the teacher (Rochaety, Rahayuningsih, & Yanti, 2006). This is further strengthened by research (Fauziyah & Triyono, 2020), which states that learning that combines the roles of computers and teachers (blended learning) is proven more effective than learning that only involves teachers or computers.

However, according to research, the presence of teachers is the key to motivating active participation and involvement of students in the learning process, and teachers also enable them to experience changes in an everchanging and dynamic world (Puspitarini, 2022).

Technology Skills Improvement

Using Google Classroom can improve technology skills for students and teachers in language learning contexts. This platform allows students to interact with technology regularly when accessing learning materials, submitting assignments, and communicating with teachers and fellow students online.

Students can become more skilled in using software and applications related to digital learning. They can also become more independent in managing their work online.

Teachers can also develop technology skills when designing learning materials that fit the Google Classroom platform, managing various digital resources, and facilitating online learning. This can improve their competence in integrating technology into language learning.

However, it is important to remember that effectiveness in improving technology skills will depend on how Google Classroom is implemented in the learning context and the extent of support and training available to teachers and students.

Measuring the Success of Blended Learning

Measuring the success of Blended Learning in the context of using Google Classroom as a language learning media includes increasing student achievement, participation, attendance, evaluating student feedback, increasing technology skills, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process. By analyzing these factors, we can evaluate how Blended Learning through Google Classroom has successfully improved students' language understanding and ability to use technology while ensuring effectiveness in achieving the desired language learning goals.

Recommendations for Improving the Implementation of Blended Learning

To improve the implementation of Blended Learning, several recommendations can be followed. First, teachers need adequate training and support in using learning technology, such as Google Classroom. Furthermore, planning learning materials must focus on their relationship to the curriculum and learning objectives. Integrating technological tools that support language learning also needs to be considered. Finally, Blended Learning must be integrated as a main component in learning strategies, not just as an addition, to ensure effectiveness in achieving learning goals.

The Importance of Students' Mental Well-Being

Students' mental well-being is an important aspect of the educational context. Students' emotional and psychological conditions can affect their ability to learn and participate in the learning process. Therefore, creating an environment that supports students' mental well-being is important. This includes providing access to mental health services, creating safe and inclusive learning environments, and providing social and emotional support to students. By paying attention to students' mental well-being, educators can help create conditions that support students' holistic academic and personal growth.

This research evaluates the effectiveness of Blended Learning using Google Classroom as a language learning media. The results show that this approach has significant potential to improve language learning. Improved student grades, more active participation, and better engagement are key findings supporting the effectiveness of Blended Learning. The potential implication for the future of education is that technology, such as Google Classroom, can be a useful tool for increasing interactivity and efficiency in the learning process. However, it is necessary to pay attention to teacher training, good material planning, and support for student welfare to achieve optimal results in this technology-based education.


The research results indicate that using Google Classroom as a platform for implementing Blended Learning at SMP X is common and aims to make learning easier for students. Google Classroom can monitor student progress and facilitate interaction between teachers and students. Its use in language text courses brings benefits in explaining learning material, both theoretical and practical, and enables learning inside and outside the classroom. The level of student involvement in learning with Google Classroom varies, with some students being active, some active, and some less active. The quality of learning materials significantly impacts learning effectiveness, and more interactive materials improve student understanding. However, using Google Classroom also has challenges, including adaptation to the technology, lack of engagement, accessibility, time management, and communication issues. The teacher's role in Blended Learning with Google Classroom is emphasized,and the teacher's role in facilitating learning and maintaining the quality of education remains relevant. Apart from that, using Google Classroom can also improve the technology skills of students and teachers in language learning. Measuring the success of Blended Learning includes factors such as increased student achievement, participation, attendance, evaluation feedback, increased technology skills, and efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process. Recommendations for improving Blended Learning include teacher training, material planning, technology integration, and integrating Blended Learning as a main part of learning strategies. Students' mental well-being is also emphasized as an important aspect of education. In the main conclusion, Blended Learning with Google Classroom can improve language learning. However, it is necessary to consider the challenges and recommendations mentioned to achieve optimal results in technology-based education.


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