Civilized Cleverness Among Students Of The Faculties Of Physical Education Sports Sciences And Fine Arts

Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Full Length Research Article - (2022) Volume 17, Issue 5

Civilized Cleverness Among Students Of The Faculties Of Physical Education Sports Sciences And Fine Arts

Saba Abdul Kareem Zghair1* and Sahira Razzaq Kadhum2
*Correspondence: Saba Abdul Kareem Zghair, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Woman, University of Baghdad, Iraq, Email:
1College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Woman, University of Baghdad, Iraq
2College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Woman, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Received: 29-Sep-2022 Published: 13-Oct-2022


The purpose of this paper is to preparing a measure of cultural intelligence for students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts, and identifying the degree of dimensions and the general total for students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts. The two researchers used the descriptive approach using the survey method and studying the correlational relationships in a way that suits the nature of the problem to be solved. The choice of the two researchers for the sample is one of the important stages in the research, as the selection must be a true representative of the original community in line with the nature of the case to be studied. The research community was determined in the students of the University of Babylon for the academic year 2021-2022. The research sample was determined by the students of the Colleges of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, which numbered (130) students (males) and the College of Fine Arts, which numbered (90) students (males) from the third study stage. The current researchers found that there are significant statistically significant differences in the dimensions and the overall sum of the cultural intelligence scale in favor of the students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. One of the most important results reached by the researcher is that: The students of the Faculty of Physical Education (males) have a higher degree of cultural intelligence than the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, and there are statistically significant differences among the sample members according to the specialization variable. One of the most important recommendations recommended by the researchers is that: Need for the media organization to exercise its effective professional role in disseminating ideas that enhance culture among members of society, working on guiding and guiding students about proper planning for their future, mixing with cultures, and preserving original values and principles, providing activities and programs through youth clubs that work to raise the level of cultural intelligence of individuals , and inclusion in the curricula and for all stages with topics that contribute to raising the degree of cultural intelligence for students.


Sports psychology. Sports exercise. Sports sciences


The world is witnessing now a technical development in all areas of life, and God Almighty distinguished man from the rest of the creatures with the advantage of the mind different. The concept of intelligence is one of the concepts of psychology that has revolved around a lot of questions and controversy.

Specifically, there are multiple intelligences possessed by the individual, identified by Gardner with seven intelligences and considered as independent abilities from each other, as well as individuals differ in the percentage of this intelligence to varying degrees, and these intelligences can be developed through environmental and cultural factors in which the individual lives. Cultural intelligence refers to the individual’s ability to think about how to integrate with different cultures other than the original culture, while retaining values, customs and traditions without being affected by different cultures, and this requires the presence of internal motives that motivate the individual to cultural mixing. And it affects the cultural milieu that surrounds him, and then he had to deal with things of a social nature, and thus he had to develop that kind of intelligence” (E man Sadiq,2010:27).

The cultural intelligence of the individual enables openness to the outside world to understand multiple and different cultures and continuous interaction with them and to make a gradual adjustment to the cognitive structure and adapt cognitive processes and modify behavior to be more flexible to interact with culturally different situations, and individuals with high cultural intelligence are characterized by flexibility in interaction with others, and more understanding An awareness of cultural difference and integration with it, and the ability to learn new experiences, and cultural intelligence is an individual trait that focuses specifically on the skills required when moving between many cultures (Altaf Yassin, 2012:21).

The application of the skill of cultural intelligence is important and useful, as it helps university students to add humane personal relationships with colleagues, professors and employees that help them to participate and positively interact more broadly with members of different cultures. Hence, the importance of the current research is that university students are considered future leaders and must have intelligence. Cultural “It is the mental initiative arising from cultural sensitivity that relates to the individual’s ability to create his behavior in language, skill and symbol based on an understanding of cultural values and relevant interaction trends with other cultures” (Kanten, 2014).

Research problem

The problem of the research lies in that university students are exposed to a lot of pressures and psychological and social problems, including cultural differences in values, customs, traditions and facts, especially within the university environment, with its various spectra of people and multiple nationalities, since the Iraqi people are multi-races and nationalities, which leads to the occurrence of many problems and pressures resulting Regarding the cultural exchange between them, and since the student is persistent and eager to complete his education in the best way, he must adapt himself to others and interact with them in order to create an appropriate university climate and a healthy psychological environment to generate appropriate ideas and creativity in their specialization, and then inform the researcher of the relevant scientific sources and references. According to her knowledge, there is a study similar to that study, so the researcher decided to delve into this problem and answer the following question:

What is the degree of dimensions and the overall sum of cultural intelligence for the students of the College of Physical Education, Sports Sciences and Fine Arts?

Research objective

• Preparing a measure of cultural intelligence for students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts.

• Identifying the degree of dimensions and the general total for students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts.

Research hypotheses

• There are no statistically significant differences in the dimensions and the general sum of cultural intelligence among students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts.

Research fields

• Human field: Students of the University of Babylon and the faculties of physical education and sports sciences and fine arts for the third stage.

• Time field: (23/1/2021) to (29/1/2021)

• Spatial field: University of Babylon

Define terms

Cultural intelligence: “It is the individual’s ability to deal effectively with situations characterized by cultural diversity” (Earley & Ang, 2003). Or it is a form of intelligence that focuses on the individual’s abilities to perceive, think and act in practice, and this is done through effective understanding, good knowledge and effective behavior in situations characterized by diversity or cultural differentiation, whether in work or management (Farah Mazen,2018:5).

Research Methodology and Field Procedures

Research methodology

The two researchers used the descriptive approach using the survey method and studying the correlational relationships in a way that suits the nature of the problem to be solved.

Community and sample research

The choice of the two researchers for the sample is one of the important stages in the research, as the selection must be a true representative of the original community in line with the nature of the case to be studied. The research community was determined in the students of the University of Babylon for the academic year 2021-2022. The research sample was determined by the students of the Colleges of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, which numbered (130) students (males) and the College of Fine Arts, which numbered (90) students (males) from the third study stage.

Means and tools used in the research

The researcher used the following methods and tools in her research:

• Scientific sources and references.

• Relevant psychological measures

• Personal interviews.

• Form for the opinion of experts and specialists.

• Resolution.

• Electronic watch type.

• Hand-type calculator (KENKO).

• Electronic calculator (laptop).

• Miscellaneous stationery.

• EXCEL program for data dump.

• SPSS program to calculate statistical transactions.

Field Research Procedures

In order to achieve the goal of the research, the two researchers prepared a scale of cultural intelligence for (Saad Abdel-Zahra and Jassim Muhammad: 2009), where the scale consisted of 40 items distributed over four fields, namely (the strategic field 13 items - the cognitive field 11 items - the emotional field 9 items – and the behavioral field 7 items) and it was Answer alternatives according to the five-point Likert scale for the answer, and after extracting the scientific bases of the scale, it consists of 26 paragraphs distributed over four areas with five-alternative answer keys. Then the two researchers distributed the scale form to the students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts (males), whose number is (220) students on 04/24/2022 on Sunday, and after completing the answer to the scale, the two researchers collected the forms and arranged them in special tables for the purpose of statistical treatment.

Statistical methods: The search data was processed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Results and Discussion

Presentation and analysis of the results of the dimensions and the general sum of the cultural intelligence scale among the students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts according to the gender variable (males) and their discussion (Table 1):

Table 1 shows the differences in the dimensions for students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts according to the variable (gender and specialization), where the arithmetic mean in the strategic dimension of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for males reached (24,7231), with a standard deviation of (3.67690), and the value of (T)) 4.384) with a significance level of (.000) and a degree of freedom ((218) and the confidence level was 95% for the differences that ranged between the minimum and the maximum (1.27266, 3.35127). T)) (4,303) and at the level of significance (.000) there are statistically significant differences in the strategic dimension in favor of students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

Table 1: Shows the statistical parameters and the value of the T-Test (one-sample statistics) for the measure of cultural intelligence among students of the faculties of physical education, sports sciences and fine arts, according to the gender variable (males).

Field sex
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
hypothetical mean 95% trust level for spreads
degree of freedom Level sig lower limit upper limit
the strategist sports 24.7231 3.67690 4.384 218 .000 1.27266 3.35127
Arts 22.4111 4.07760 4.303   1.25160 3.37234
Cognitive sports 21.9769 3.43368 -.118 218 .906 -.99688 .88406
Arts 22.0333 3.54569 -.118   -1.00327 .89044
emotional sports 26.3923 3.18790 3.253 218 .001 .68440 2.78911
Arts 24.6556 4.73372 3.036   .60619 2.86731
behavioral sports 19.8462 3.54038 8.730 218 .000 3.12409 4.94599
Arts 15.8111 3.10814 8.939   3.14510 4.92499
cultural intelligence sports 92.9385 6.28861 8.176 218 .000 6.09237 9.96233
Arts 84.9111 8.26070 7.788   5.99148 10.06322

The two researchers find that this result is logical, because the nature of the educational materials that are taught within the curricula of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences requires its students to learn how to develop plans and strategies to deal with different cultures and prepare for their implementation. And continuous practice, as indicated by (Jaafar Khamat,2018:8) Cultural intelligence is inherently present in individuals in dealing with unfamiliar things, but through learning and training, cultural intelligence becomes a queen or talent in individuals that it develops and acquires from other cultures in order to bring about the appropriate dealing with those around it.

Since the physical education curriculum is taught within the theoretical and practical subjects, the practical part is of great importance in that because the practice of sports activities has a great impact in refining and pruning talents through training and practice until they become their queen. Cultural intelligence is one of these talents that are refined by training.

Also, this result may be due to the pattern of the educational environment within the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, in which the relations between colleagues and professors are very social, in which they take a large part of the freedom of social movement and openness with others regardless of gender and academic level, which helped her students adapt to different environments, which It is completely different from what is common in other colleges.

As for the cognitive dimension for students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (for males), the mean value was (21.9769), with a standard deviation of (3.43368), and the value of (T) was (-.118), with a significance level of (.906) and a degree of freedom (218) and the confidence level was 95. % for the differences that range between the minimum and the upper limit (-.99688,.88406), and the arithmetic mean for students of the College of Fine Arts (for males) was (22.0333) and with a standard deviation of (3.54569) and the value of (t) ( ) There are no statistically significant differences in The cognitive dimension among students of the College of Physical Education, Sports Sciences and Fine Arts.

This result can be explained in the light of Robert Sternberg’s theory)) “The concept of cognitive cultural intelligence is not limited to school success skills only, but extends to include many capabilities that help the individual to achieve success in life, and that cognitive cultural intelligence is affected by many personal experiences on the one hand On the other hand, with external situations and variables, on the other hand, this theory has been dominated by the humanistic cognitive character in defining intelligence (Sternberg, 2006).

Based on the foregoing, the researcher believes that obtaining knowledge results from personal experiences, experience and practice, that is, obtaining knowledge is not related to a specific specialization, but rather related to the mental processes of the individual and the way in which he perceives things sports.

This dimension focuses on highly ordered cognitive processes and reflects the knowledge of standards, practices, and traditions in different cultures that an individual acquires through educational and personal experiences. Hence, this dimension refers to the individual's level of cultural knowledge or knowledge of the cultural environment. In view of the great diversity and multiculturalism in the world (Ang & Dyne, 2008).

Cultural knowledge of other peoples represented in (knowledge of lifestyle, language patterns or language of communication, economic and commercial activity, values, religious beliefs and practices, raising children ... etc.) is not limited to obtaining it in a particular specialty.

As for the emotional dimension, the arithmetic mean value of the students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for males was (26.3923), with a standard deviation of (3.18790), and the value of (T) was (3.253), with a significance level of (.001) and a degree of freedom (218). The confidence level was 95% for differences ranging from Between the minimum and the upper limit (.68440, 2.78911), the arithmetic mean of the students of the College of Fine Arts for males was (24.6556), with a standard deviation of (4.73372), and the value of (t) reached (3.036) at the level of significance (.003). There are statistically significant differences in the emotional dimension For the benefit of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

The researcher finds this result logical, because controlling or controlling emotions is a result of training, continuous practice, frequent friction and exposure to different situations in order to get used to them and ease of dealing with them to become a permanent behavior. Because of stressful and culturally different situations and the frequent practice of physical and motor activities that work on controlling behavior and negative emotions, we see them as more emotionally balanced than the students of the College of Fine Arts.

This is consistent with what was stated (Salama, 2007). Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the development is the excitement of the issue of managing emotions, with regard to training them and increasing them in behavior. Managing emotions - unlike mental intelligence and traditional intelligence - is not subject to heredity and can be acquired and learned. Researches of scientists in this regard have revealed that managing emotions can be trained and developed through many methods that help to develop and strengthen them in personality.

The researcher finds the reason for this may be due to the fact that the behavior of the individual depends on the way in which he perceives and thinks of things, meaning that the behavior of the individual is governed to a large extent by cognitive and intellectual factors as well as attitudes and beliefs. The Faculty of Physical Education acquired part of the knowledge through their specialization, which is characterized by the practice of sports activities that support and strengthen the desired behavior, reinforce it and get rid of undesirable behaviors, as well as working to increase behavioral flexibility in dealing with culturally different situations by understanding and responding to the behavior of others.

This dimension is considered very important given that verbal and nonverbal behaviors are among the most important characteristics required in social interactions, as the expressions and behavioral manifestations of different cultures differ in three ways: the extent of behaviors that appear, and the rules for showing these behaviors that govern when and under what circumstances certain nonverbal expressions are Required, preferred, permitted, forbidden, and forbidden, and the interpretations or meanings that are associated with certain nonverbal behaviors, and therefore people with high cultural behavioral intelligence are more flexible and can modify their behaviors according to the specificity of each cultural interaction. Nonverbal behaviors play an important role because they represent a silent language and convey meanings Many in an apparent or hidden way. (Ang &Dyne, 2008).

As for the general total of the scale, the arithmetic mean value of the students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for males was (92.9385), with a standard deviation of (6.28861), and the value of (T) was (8.176), with a significance level of (.000) and a degree of freedom (218), and the confidence level was 95% for the differences that Ranging between the minimum and the upper limit (6.09237, 9.96233) and the arithmetic mean for fine arts students for males was (84,9111), with a standard deviation (8.26070), and the value of (t) was (7,788) with a level of significance (.000). There are statistically significant differences in the general total in favor of students College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

The researcher finds this result in the area of the fact that cultural intelligence is a multi-dimensional structure that all of these dimensions share to form the cultural intelligence that can be explained through (Sternberg) theory. And the extent of the individual’s ability to achieve harmony between these variables together (Early & ANG, 2003:30)).

Here, the researcher finds that the external variables may include the social environment, the educational environment, and other variables that may positively and negatively affect the individual in acquiring cultural intelligence. To the variable of the educational environment through the curricula of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, which made its students practitioners of sports activities, which brings them many mental and psychological benefits, which made them more open and receptive to different cultures. This result agrees with the study (Eidi, 2010) and the study (Al-Nouri, 2014). And a study by (Gillivary, 2006) and a study - (Hansen, 2011).

As for the behavioral dimension, the arithmetic mean value of the students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for males reached (19.8462), with a standard deviation of (3.54038), and the value of (t) was (8.730), with a significance level of (.000) and a degree of freedom ((218). The confidence level was 95% for differences ranging from Between the lower limit and the upper limit (3.12409, 4.94599), the arithmetic mean of fine arts students for males was (15.8111), with a standard deviation (3.10814), and the t-value amounted to (8.939) with a level of significance (.000)). There are statistically significant differences in the behavioral dimension in favor of Students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

Conclusions and Recommendations


According to the findings of the two researchers from the results of the current research, the following can be concluded

• The students of the Faculty of Physical Education (males) have a higher degree of cultural intelligence than the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts.

• There are statistically significant differences among the sample members according to the specialization variable.


To complete the research procedures, the two researchers recommend the following:

• Need for the media organization to exercise its effective professional role in disseminating ideas that enhance culture among members of society.

• Working on guiding and guiding students about proper planning for their future, mixing with cultures, and preserving original values and principles.

• Providing activities and programs through youth clubs that work to raise the level of cultural intelligence of individuals.

• Inclusion in the curricula and for all stages with topics that contribute to raising the degree of cultural intelligence for students.


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