Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Research Article - (2024) Volume 19, Issue 2


Qahtan Yaseen Jasim1* and Jamel CHOUAIBI2
*Correspondence: Qahtan Yaseen Jasim, Higher Institute of Management, Department of Mar k eting, University of Sousse, Tunisia, Email:
1Higher Institute of Management, Department of Mar k eting, University of Sousse, Tunisia
2Associate Professor in accounting Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax University of Sfax, Tunisia

Received: 10-Apr-2024 Published: 22-Apr-2024


One of the most important challenges facing Iraqi government institutions and institutions is the very large increase in the number of employees. The excessive and ill-considered government recruitment policy has caused a very high increase in the number of state employees (government sector). In the period before 2003, the number of government employees in the Iraqi state was about 850 thousand employees. While today it has reached 4.5 million employees in 2020; That is, a five-fold increase. Without the slightest doubt, our topic above is one of the most important topics, and there are few existing studies in this field, so we would like to shed light on it. The main reason for this is that banks in general face many problems and obstacles, and the bank itself studied (Al-Rasheed Bank) in particular. This study aims to address the issue of functional slackness in Al- Rasheed Bank from a strategic perspective, support the progress of Al-Rasheed Bank, and provide assistance to impose a response to rapid developments. The study sample amounted to (102) employees in Iraqi banks. This study concluded that poor workforce planning, exploitation and manipulation in administrative systems have a negative impact on the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks, and also that disguised unemployment can negatively affect the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks. If human resources are not employed effectively and the use of their skills is not improved, this may reduce innovation and productivity in the provision of banking services, which reduces the ability of banks to compete, attract customers and improve their marketing performance. Recruitment based on favoritism and unqualified individuals does not have a negative impact on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks


Job slackness, Marketing performance


One of the most important challenges facing Iraqi government institutions and institutions is the very large increase in the number of employees. The excessive and ill-considered government recruitment policy has caused a very high increase in the number of state employees (government sector). In the period before 2003, the number of government employees in the Iraqi state was about 850 thousand employees. While today it has reached 4.5 million employees in 2020; That is, a five-fold increase. Without a doubt, our above topic is one of the most important topics, and there are few existing studies in this field. Therefore, we would like to shed light on it. Our thesis is divided into two variables: the first is the independent variable (job slack) and the second is the dependent variable (marketing performance.) The first independent variable, functional slackness, is meant here as state governmental institutions being filled with individuals who cannot be employed in productive tasks. Thus, the employee’s productivity rate is low, and the issue of job slack is considered an extremely serious issue because of its negative impact on marketing performance in particular and the bank’s performance in general. From this standpoint, we seek in the study to develop solutions and proposals for the purpose of addressing the issue of job slack and working to reduce or reduce it. Reduce it. As for the second dependent variable, marketing performance, the first variable has a negative impact on it and causes countless harm due to the large number of employees (job slack) in exchange for low production and low quality. Among these harms is the lack of competition with other banks and low marketing performance, such that the bank itself cannot study from Developing his work, whether marketing or otherwise. Banks in general face many problems and obstacles, and the bank itself studied (Al-Rasheed Bank) in particular, and from here the main question arises. Job slack and its effects on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks. From the main question, sub-research questions emerge, which are:

• What is the nature of the relationship between job slackness, poor workforce planning, and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks?

• What is the nature of the relationship between job slackness and nepotism? And the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• What is the nature of the relationship between job laxity and unqualified individuals? And the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• What is the nature of the relationship between job slackness and exploitation and manipulation in administrative systems? And the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• What is the nature of the relationship between job sagging and disguised unemployment? And the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• The importance of the study stems from the importance of the topic itself. In the study, we try to cover the topic comprehensively and completely for the purpose of putting points on the letter. In this modest study, we would like to show the importance of the study in the following:

• Submit a proposal with the aim of reducing the rate of job slackness by giving room for the joint and private sector to work in the Iraqi market, provided that the market is for everyone and not monopolized by the government sector.

• Increase the employee’s working time and benefit from it with maximum effort and time.

• Achieving customer satisfaction by improving the marketing performance of the bank itself.

• Improving the bank’s status for the purpose of entering the competitive market in a new way.

• Increase the bank’s profit percentage.

• Maintaining employees who are considered the pillars of the institution (the bank) and working to develop their skills to increase their career potential.

• Stay away from excessive (unstudied) employment in order to avoid negative consequences and consequences.

• Based on this, the current research aimed to describe and analyze the variables of the study, which mainly represent job slack and its effects on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• Addressing the issue of functional slackness at Al-Rasheed Bank from a strategic perspective

• Supporting the progress of the Rasheed Bank and providing assistance to confront the rapid developments

• A mechanism was established to enforce the development of the skills of bank employees and train them periodically and continuously.

• Providing a set of results and recommendations that would benefit the bank under study and other banks.

The remainder of the research is divided into five sections. The first section will highlight previous studies related to the topic and the theoretical framework that will be relied upon. While the third section addresses the research hypotheses. Then the fourth section will be devoted to highlighting the methodological approach to the practical aspect. Before the conclusion, in the fifth section, we will discuss testing the research hypothesis and discussing its results.

Literature review

The main objective of this study is to know the effect of applying the 360 evaluation system on employees’ performance, productivity, career development, and the extent to which they contribute to the organization when their productivity increases, and whether these effects are positive or negative. Data were collected by distributing a questionnaire to a number of administrative institutions in the city of Karachi, Pakistan, and it was filled out by 300 employees, but the final sample approved for the study consisted of only 250 questionnaires. The data was then analyzed using the statistical program SPSS. The results of the study showed that there is a significant impact of the 360 performance evaluation system used within organizations on the performance of employees and increasing their productivity, but there is no relationship between it and the development of their career path within the organization.

Study (2018), (Mustafa et al,. entitled: Using management by objectives as a tool for evaluating performance to satisfy employees . Using Management by Objectives as a performance appraisal tool for employee satisfaction This study addressed the importance of applying the management by objectives method as a method for evaluating performance in enhancing employee effectiveness, job satisfaction, and productivity, in addition to identifying the pros and cons of this method and its impact on employee effectiveness. A systematic method was used from a combination of primary (questionnaire) and secondary data (scientific publications), where the questionnaire was distributed to 172 employees working in 13 business companies in Kosovo about their opinion of applying the management by objectives technique as a tool for performance evaluation, and the results of the data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS. Regression and correlation analysis tests. Also, by determining the results of the analysis, the study concluded that setting goals has a positive and statistically significant relationship with work that makes employees feel comfortable, which reflects positively on them, in addition to that the participation of employees in setting standards for goals and making decisions increases their motivation. The study proved that adopting a reward system based on results and constantly evaluating employees’ performance increases their productivity at work. Sadrija (2017) study entitled: Performance Evaluation in Kosovo Organizations . The study focused on the fact that effective performance and employee training are essential to the success of the organization, as employee training is linked to their performance and effectiveness. The hypothesis of this study was that the use of motivational methods such as training and rewards affects the evaluation of employees’ performance. A questionnaire was distributed to 280 managers in several companies in the service and production sectors in the city of Beja, and when collecting the data, only 200 people’s questionnaires, with complete and correct answers, were relied upon. The study had several important questions, the answers to which were obtained through questionnaires, including that companies apply the “performance-based pay” method to evaluate performance, where the effectiveness is that they pay employees based on merit, incentive wages that increase motivation, and rewards. These incentives also increase worker productivity and motivation. The result of the performance evaluation contributes to knowing the employee’s weak points, which makes it easier to know the type of training program that should be followed to strengthen his skills and abilities. However, the retrained employees are not involved in the decision-making process, and this thing must be changed, as employees must have the right to give decisions and ideas. New to obtain more innovations within the organization, so the conclusion of this study was, according to what was mentioned above, that the success of the organization is linked to the training of employees and their satisfaction in increasing the performance of employees. In the end, the above analysis proved the validity of the hypothesis and that the use of motivational methods such as training and rewards affects the evaluation of employees’ performance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of career development on the performance of faculty members in Kenyan public universities in the Sahel region. The study relied on a descriptive survey research design, and the targets were full-time faculty members in the three public universities in the Sahel region, namely (Mombasa Technical University - Pwani University - Tatia Taveta University (whose number reached 577, but 30% of the sample was taken, so the final number of the sample was 173. A five-point Likert-type questionnaire was used to collect the primary data for the study. The questionnaire was divided into three sections, the first section of which included statements about The demographic composition of individuals, while the second section included statements about the sub-variables of the independent variable, which are career planning, career advancement, and career guidance, while the third section included the performance of faculty members. As for the secondary data, it included information about faculty members’ publications to determine research and publication, where it was obtained This information is from the university library and electronic fields. The answers were then coded and the responses were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS, and then descriptive statistical tools were used that included measures of central tendency (mean and median), measures of dispersion (deviation - range - variance) and the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between Career development practices and faculty performance. In addition, multiple linear regression analysis and the Anova test were used to examine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study found that the majority of faculty members have individual career plans. In addition, universities also had career development plans for their employees. The study also found that mentoring has a significant impact on the performance of faculty members. In addition, career development depends on the competencies and capabilities of faculty members. The study suggested doing

Developing study hypotheses

Research hypotheses are considered the most important part of any research work, given that the hypothesis is considered a prior answer to the problem of the study. Therefore, the researcher must take into account a methodical and scientific approach that relies on evidence and argument in formulating it in accordance with this scientific and methodological protocol approved for this purpose.

The first main hypothesis

Manpower planning is defined as the strategy for obtaining, using, developing and presenting the necessary manpower for the project. It is also defined as the method that enables the agency to obtain manpower in the required number, type and level to accomplish its tasks in various work sites and at the specified time in accordance with the plan.

It is also the process of determining the organization's workforce needs during a specific period of time, and developing strategies that ensure obtaining that workforce in the required type and quantity.

Therefore, workforce planning is an organized and objective process that looks to the future, is comprehensive, covers the needs of the entire organization, is repeated every period of time, and covers the two basic dimensions of the workforce: quantity (numbers) and quality (type). It is of great importance as it is considered a guide and guide for the organization to identify important changes and adaptation. With it effectively, creating an organization capable of learning and adapting to current and future requirements.

It contributes to increasing the organization's ability to define its multiple goals, identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the organization and determine executive programs to deal with them.

It is then considered the basis for the success of other personnel plans and policies, such as selection, appointment, promotion, training and development, by providing sufficient time to search for the appropriate workforce, clear career progression for individuals within the organization, identifying the training needs of the workforce, and developing and increasing the benefit from the available workforce in the organization (Mustafa Naguib Shawoush, 1996).

It also makes an effective contribution to determining the actual needs of the workforce in quantity and quality in the short and long term, in addition to identifying current and future training needs, which facilitates the sound selection of trainees and directing them to training programs according to actual needs. .

It helps to rationalize the use of the workforce by identifying deficits and surpluses in the workforce and increasing the number of competent working individuals by identifying needs in quantity and quality on an ongoing basis, whether from the labor market or the organization’s internal skills stock at the appropriate time.

It contributes to planning the future careers of workers, increasing the effectiveness of the use of the workforce, and improving its productivity.

Increasing the organization's ability to predict its workforce needs in quantity and quality and developing them in a manner consistent with achieving its goals, which reduces the labor turnover rate.

Among the foundations and requirements of workforce planning, we mention: (Mohamed Omar, 1994)

• Clarity of the organization's goals

• Clarity of the organization’s line of activity

• Clarity of policies, procedures, and organizational structure of the organization. -The presence of an analytical description of jobs

• The level of technology used in the organization

• Future changes to the technology used in the organization • Information about individuals’ characteristics, tendencies, and motivations for work.

Manpower planning has a close relationship with the localization of jobs at the facility level because it is the basis for the success of individual plans and policies, such as selection, appointment, promotion, training and development, through identifying the national competencies working within the facility who can directly fill the jobs of some non-national competencies without any training, or through identifying It requires national competencies that need a little training to fill such jobs. It is also possible, through workforce planning, to identify and analyze jobs, to identify the requirements for filling jobs in general, and the requirements for filling jobs held by non-citizens, thus making it easier for human resources departments to search for national competencies to fill them. Jobs from outside the organization.

From here we can conclude the first main hypothesis:

The first main hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between poor workforce planning and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The second main hypothesis

Since the time of Aristotle and Plato, the public interest has been prioritized over personal interest, leading to the absence of corruption, which distinguishes good governance from bad governance (MULGAN, R; 2012). One of the pillars of a corruption-free and effective public service lies in the commitment of every public employee to pay The public interest of society is prioritized before personal interest. The Model Code of Conduct for Public Officials drawn up by the Council of Europe (Council of Europe, 2000), hereinafter referred to as the “Model Code of Conduct,” refers to this idea, emphasizing that public officials should be impartial and impartial. and effectiveness, and take into account only the public interest when making any decision regarding a private issue (Article 5.2). Government officials must avoid conflicts of interest and must not take advantage of their official position for personal purposes (Article 8). Personal interest includes every advantage A public employee may obtain it for himself, his family, relatives and friends, or all persons or organizations with whom he has or has had commercial or political relations (Article 13.2).

Favoritism can be defined as undeserved support given to a person or group, especially by someone with authority. It embodies the typical situation of conflict of interest, despite its various forms, by giving the employee priority to his personal interest before the duty of impartiality in exercising his duties in the public office. It is a form in which pain is used The public employee has used his power or position to give an undeserved advantage to a member of his family (employment/assignment, service, preferential treatment, etc.), through which the public employee gives preference to his friends or acquaintances (Transparency International, 2009).

In all the cases mentioned, the principles of fairness and public service are violated due to real, perceived or potential collusion between the public employee's personal interest and the interest of society.

The failure of a public employee to carry out his duty and serve citizens and his use of undeserved benefits usually constitutes corrupt behavior (Transparency International, 2009).

Whenever nepotism practices seep into recruitment/assignment procedures, they undoubtedly lead to the hiring/assignment of people (relatives, friends, or members of the political circle) who do not have the capabilities, will, or qualifications necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

Even when these people have the will, capabilities, and qualifications necessary to perform their duties, the special treatment they receive undermines the principle of fairness, creates unequal opportunities, spreads corruption, and reduces the effectiveness in the performance of organizations/administrative bodies, leading to problems related to efficiency, independence, trust, and the spirit of mutual aid.

The ethical principles that should govern the human resources management framework remain the same. The principles of equality and impartiality in public recruitment/delegation are essential for the provision of effective and well-performing public services. Hence, the principle of fairness in selecting workers in public service is directly related to the level of citizens’ confidence in the ability of institutions to provide public service. It also has a profound impact on the organizational level through which the philosophy of this service is determined at the level of local and regional groups. The lack of meritbased recruitment/assignment is one of the important factors in increasing corruption (DAHLSTROM et al., 2012).

WECHSLER (2013) believes that the failure of public agents to disclose cases of conflict of interest that concern them, and their failure to withdraw from decision-making processes in which they are likely to achieve a personal interest, is a justification for considering them generally untrustworthy because they are disguised employees of the person with whom they have a special relationship. .

Moreover, human resources practices that are marred by favoritism, bias and nepotism have important repercussions on the internal culture of the organization and thus on its functioning as a whole. SAUSER (2010) indicates that employees who are not motivated by strong ethical principles represent the main threat to the proper performance of any administrative body, because they act according to their personal interest and not to serve the public good, thereby undermining the spirit of teamwork. If we consider organizational culture as a common vessel Given the values and convictions that guide employee behavior, the presence of practices such as nepotism or other forms of corruption in the recruitment/assignment process would spread bad signs that would quickly spread to the rest of the areas of work and the operations of administrative facilities. In addition, when supported or implemented by management This results in a weakening of the moral credibility of the hierarchy, ultimately making it a poor model on the moral level.

The negative effects of favoritism do not stop at broadcasting bad reputations and encouraging unethical behavior. PADGETT et MORRIS (2005) explained, after studying attitudes towards officials who are believed to have been hired/recruited because of their family ties and not because of their personal advantages, that they are seen as less competent and do not enjoy any support from their subordinates. It is also noted that the people who work under their responsibility have no confidence and no hope of promotion in the future, in addition to being the least committed to their administrative institution.

From here we can conclude the second main hypothesis

The second main hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between favoritism recruitment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The third main hypothesis

This development and training process takes place through programs used by organizations to help employees gain appropriate effectiveness and efficiency, in order to make employees more developed in their areas of specialization as required by the company, and develop their abilities to perform the duties expected of them in a satisfactory and correct manner, in addition to paying attention to planning and follow-up processes. Personnel matters; This leads to providing programs appropriate to the organization's specific needs, in addition to providing observations and feedback to management and evaluating employees.

It is the process of selecting the best candidates for the job, and those who meet the qualifications and requirements to fill the job according to certain standards and characteristics. In order to obtain high levels of performance, the administration is interested in searching for workers in the labor market and selecting the appropriate person based on the availability of the required conditions for him, such as his academic qualifications, personal qualities, and practical experiences. This is done through employment applications and personal interviews, to place the appropriate individual in the appropriate place. This process aims to reduce the number of unqualified individuals applying for jobs, and to attract qualified competencies that contribute to reducing training costs later, in addition to achieving stability for human resources.

Periodic evaluation of employee performance is of great importance. This is to know the extent of development or decline in the performance of employees, and to know the causes of the defect and address them, knowing that this process is important for human resources. Because it shows the accuracy of the programs, helps raise the organization’s production efficiency, knows work obstacles, identifies deficiencies in the individual’s performance, in addition to knowing the strengths to develop and the weak points to avoid and solve.

Providing qualified, well-trained individuals with the required skills is a priority, and training researchers is an important part of the program, as the lack of qualified individuals constitutes a problem. Entire. Developing the human resources capacity of the sectors by employing qualified individuals and providing the required number of these individuals.

There are many institutions that have failed due to their weak competencies and weak ability to make decisions. The manager in these businesses does not have the ability to perform his duties successfully, and his experience in employing financial and human resources in areas that maximize their outputs is weak, so that the owner or manager is characterized by his weak ability. “Leadership” (Falah Hassan Al-Hussein, 2006), and for this reason we find that many managers of these projects are not fully aware of what should and should not be taken to achieve efficiency and growth in this business. To ensure the continuity of the institution, sound decisions must be taken. “As experience contributes to activating capabilities and directing them towards serving the project, especially in light of the proper utilization of available resources” (Falah Hassan Al-Hussein, 2006). Extensive experience in this field greatly clarifies the difference between success and failure, as increasing experience reflects positively on the institution. There are many institutions that have failed to perform their role and this is due to their inability to have the entrepreneurial capacity, so that many studies in the United States of America and many European countries have proven that “administrative effectiveness in project management contributes to increasing the ability of these projects to adopt successful entrepreneurship. Any institution It adopts a pioneering characteristic that is reflected in one way or another in successful growth processes and achieves a competitive position in the market.

So, the process of training human resources is of great importance, as it is considered an integrated technical process that aims to achieve practical results with regard to raising productivity, by raising the level of efficiency of workers, developing their knowledge and skills, and showing positive trends in them. The training process, according to Flippo, is “the process Through which, employees are provided with the knowledge or skill to perform and carry out a specific job.” This indicates that training represents one of the main tools for developing human resources and developing their full effectiveness (Mohamed Al-Sarqi, 2006).

From here we can conclude the third main hypothesis:

The third main hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between unqualified individuals and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The fourth main hypothesis

Abuse of power in administrative decisions is a type of administrative corruption. Administrative corruption is a violation of any rules imposed by law in order to defeat and overcome the public interest through ignorance in order to achieve personal interest. In this case, private interest prevails over public interest. As for the abuse of power in administrative decisions, it includes more than one definition. It can be defined as misinterpreting regulations and procedures and changing and manipulating laws, instructions and regulations. All of this is in order to cause harm, damage, and punishment to the employee. The employee may do this intentionally or accidentally in order to harm the public interest and achieve his personal benefit.

Administrative corruption is a multifaceted phenomenon, as the difference in the concept of this phenomenon goes back to one’s view of administrative corruption, its evaluation of it, and its nature. Administrative corruption is a dangerous phenomenon that worries society and occupies its minds due to the extent of its danger to society and its negative impact on it and its members. It is a complex phenomenon that contains political, social, and economic dimensions. It leads to widespread corruption and insecurity if it is not combated, and its perpetrators are punished with the most severe deterrent penalties.

Administrative corruption crimes are called public office crimes, including crimes of bribery, forgery, manipulation, embezzlement, and misuse of public property. All of them are crimes for which the law imposes the harshest penalties on their perpetrators. Because it is a form of administrative corruption. All of these crimes pose a great danger as they lead to the deterioration of society and the loss of safety and stability in it.

In addition, administrative corruption poses a threat to economic development. It negatively affects it, as it may lead to the shifting of its goals, the waste of its resources, the weakening of its capabilities, its lack of development, obstructing its progress, or misleading it. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions to these problems and develop appropriate plans in order to get rid of them. Punishing the perpetrators of various administrative corruption crimes who contribute directly or indirectly to spreading corruption, ruin, and abuse of the work environment in various sectors. In this way, we have made clear to you the seriousness of administrative corruption and crimes of abuse of administrative office.

Abuse of authority is an employee’s behavior in a way that harms others according to the powers of his job. As for the exploitation of influence, it is the use of one’s position to achieve special interests inside and outside one’s government department. These two types are forms of administrative corruption, which are widely spread in all countries, and constitute a concern and responsibility for the government to reduce them. It is also considered a violation in office and bad official behavior. In other words, it is committing an illegal act, but in an official capacity, which leaves a negative impact on the implementation of official duties.

It consists of interpreting regulations and tampering with instructions. Changing the application of written provisions and laws to harm and punish the employee. It may be accidental or intentional, as it is an abuse of administrative authority and the purpose is to harm the public interest, out of a desire to achieve a private interest. Exploiting influence is what an employee intentionally uses his job influence to achieve his personal interests in exchange for something.

From here we can conclude the fourth main hypothesis:

The fourth main hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between exploitation and manipulation of administrative systems and marketing performance in Iraqi government Banks.

The fifth main hypothesis

Disguised unemployment is a phenomenon through which a number of workers are employed to work within institutions in certain jobs, with the possibility of being laid off and these jobs being carried out by one or two individuals. These individuals obtain... Entire. Developing the human resources capacity of the sectors by employing qualified individuals and providing the required number of these individuals.

There are many institutions that have failed due to their weak competencies and weak ability to make decisions. The manager in these businesses does not have the ability to perform his duties successfully, and his experience in employing financial and human resources in areas that maximize their outputs is weak, so that the owner or manager is characterized by his weak ability. “Leadership” (Falah Hassan Al-Hussein, 2006), and for this reason we find that many managers of these projects are not fully aware of what should and should not be taken to achieve efficiency and growth in this business. To ensure the continuity of the institution, sound decisions must be taken. “As experience contributes to activating capabilities and directing them towards serving the project, especially in light of the proper utilization of available resources” (Falah Hassan Al-Hussein, 2006). Extensive experience in this field greatly clarifies the difference between success and failure, as increasing experience reflects positively on the institution. There are many institutions that have failed to perform their role and this is due to their inability to have the entrepreneurial capacity, so that many studies in the United States of America and many European countries have proven that “administrative effectiveness in project management contributes to increasing the ability of these projects to adopt successful entrepreneurship. Any institution It adopts a pioneering characteristic that is reflected in one way or another in successful growth processes and achieves a competitive position in the market.

So, the process of training human resources is of great importance, as it is considered an integrated technical process that aims to achieve practical results with regard to raising productivity, by raising the level of efficiency of workers, developing their knowledge and skills, and showing positive trends in them. The training process, according to Flippo, is “the process Through which, employees are provided with the knowledge or skill to perform and carry out a specific job.” This indicates that training represents one of the main tools for developing human resources and developing their full effectiveness (Mohamed Al-Sarqi, 2006).

From here we can conclude the third main hypothesis:

The third main hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between unqualified individuals and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

Research Methodology

To test the study hypotheses, multiple linear regression was used as an appropriate method for analyzing the hypotheses.

Choosing the sample for the applied study and its data source

In light of the nature of the study and the objectives it sought to achieve to identify job slack and its effects on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks, the researcher used the descriptive approach as it is suitable for this type of study and also relied on the questionnaire form to obtain data that would help him test the hypotheses of the study.

Within the framework of studying job slack and its effects on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks, the researcher built a questionnaire to collect information on the subject of the study.

The study sample consists of 102 (general manager, manager, auditor, appraiser in Iraqi banks).

Research model and measurement of its variables

✔ Poor manpower planning PML

It is represented by (8) items marked with the symbol PML, by relying on a graduated five-point Likert scale in distributing the weights of the sample members’ answers, which is distributed from the highest weight to which (5 marks) was given, which is represented in the answer field (completely agree). To the lowest weight for it, which was given (1) one point, which is represented in the answer field (I completely disagree) and between them there are three weights, with the aim of allowing the sample members to choose the accurate answer according to the discretion of each of them.

Test data and scale and analyze demographic information

The following statistical methods were used to reach the results for the thesis through the two statistical programs (SPSS V24) and (AMOS V24), as shown in the following (Table 1).

Table 1:Statistical methods for the study.

No. Method or statistical test
1 Coding for a five-point Likert scale
2 (Alpha Cronbach)
3 test Komogorove-Simirnov
4 Pearson Correlation
5 Collinearity Diagnostics
6 اختبارWatson) (Durbin
7 Linear regression

Demographic characteristics of the study individuals

Table 2 shows the demographic characteristics in terms of frequencies and percentages. The following table shows the demographic characteristics and can be explained as follows:

Table 2:Distribution of study population members by gender, age, occupation, years of service and educational attainment.

  Percentage  % No. Sample
Male 60.8 62 Type
Female 39.2 40
Less 30 20.6 21 Age
From 30 to 50 72.6 74
More 50 6.8 7
General manger 10,8 11 job
Manager 29,4 30
Auditor 38,2 39
Guest 20,6 21
others 1,0 1
Form 5 to10 4,9 5 Years of job
From 10 toc 15 8,8 9
From 15 to 20 14,7 15
From 20 t0 25 51,0 52
More than 25 20,6 21
school 4,9 5 qualification
Diploma 18,6 19
Bachelor 30,4 31
master 14,7 15
Phd 31,4 32
totla 100,0 102

• Gender: The results showed that most of the sample members are male, representing (60.8%), while (39.2%) of the sample members are female, which shows the weak participation of women in Iraqi banks.

• Age group: Most of the sample members range in age from 30 to less than 50 years old, with a percentage of (72.6%), while (20.6%) are less than 30 years old and (6.8%) are 50 years old and older.

• Occupation: The majority of the sample members (38.2%) were auditors, (29.4%) were managers, (20.6%) were appraisers, and (10.8%) were general managers, while (1%) worked in another job.

• Years of service: The majority of the sample (51%) said their years of service ranged from 20 to 25 years working in banks. A percentage (20%) of the sample has 25 years of experience or more, so we note that the element of experience is available in the sample of this research.

• Educational attainment: Most of the sample members hold an academic degree (PhD or its equivalent), at a rate of (31.4%), (30.4%) hold a bachelor’s degree, while 18.6% hold a diploma, and (4.9%) have average educational attainment (Table 2)

Reliability test

Table 3 shows the results of the "Cronbach's Alpha" test on the elements of the study variables. We note that the value of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient ranges between 0.828 and 0.954 for all variables, which is a high value (greater than 0.7), which indicates the presence of a strong correlation between the answers The study population focused on the degree of attention to each variable separately (poor workforce planning - favoritism recruitment - unqualified individuals - exploitation and manipulation of administrative systems - disguised unemployment - marketing performance in Iraqi government banks), which enhances the confidence and credibility of the results of the principal components analysis.

Table 3:Results of the Cronbach Alpha test on the elements of the study variables.

Variables No of elements Cronbach alpha
Poor manpower planning 8 0.834
Recruitment by favoritism 6 0.892
Ineligible individuals 7 0.828
Exploitation and manipulation in administrative systems 13 0.913
Underemployment 7 0.907
Marketing performance in Iraqi government banks 19 0.954

Display and analyze sample answers

To test the research hypotheses, reliance was placed on the following model, where the effects of job slackness on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks will be interpreted, taking into account a number of controlled variables such as gender, age group, educational qualification, job title, and years of service.

Accordingly, after we verified the conditions for using the least squares method in regression analysis, including the validity of the regression model for application, the results of the regression analysis were as shown in the following Table 4.

Table 4: Results of multiple linear regression analysis.

Y=β01 *X1+ β2* X2 +β3* X3 +β4 *X4 +β5* X5 +β6 *X6+ β7* X7 +β8* X8 +β9 *X9 +β10 *X10 + ε
Intendent variables β T Functions
Constant β0 -0,361 -0,577 0,566
Poor manpower planning Performance in Iraqi bank -0,287 -2,170 0,003
Recruitment by favoritism ,1390 1,282 ,2030
Ineligible individuals ,2010 1,930 ,0570
Exploitation and manipulation in administrative systems -0,390 -1,976 ,0010
Underemployment -0,535 -3,694 ,0000
Type  Regulatory variables ,0840 ,6980 ,4870
Age -0,127 -0,793 0,430
Qualifications -0,020 -0,422 0,674
Job title ,0500 ,4970 0,620
Yeas ,0830 ,7830 ,4360
Description R² = 0.481
F =  8.447  (p-value= 0.000 )
DW = 1.82

Analyze the results of testing the first hypothesis

The first hypothesis crystallizes the existence of a statistically significant negative relationship between poor workforce planning and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The value of the regression coefficient was (-0.287), which is a negative value, at a significance level (0.003) that is less than the significance level adopted within the study (0.05). Therefore, this result confirms the existence of a statistically significant negative relationship between these two variables. Therefore, the first hypothesis is accepted.

This result indicates that there is a clear negative link in terms of statistics between poor workforce planning (such as inefficiency in recruitment or training) and the performance of marketing activities in Iraqi government banks. This means that ineffective workforce planning may negatively affect how marketing strategies are implemented within these banks

It indicates that there is a statistically significant negative association between poor workforce planning and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks. Simply put, when workforce planning is less effective, it causes a negative impact on the performance of marketing aspects in these banks

The relationship between poor workforce planning and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks means that not planning and managing labor effectively in these banks can negatively affect the quality and effectiveness of marketing performance. For example, if there is a lack of planning to employ and develop human resources or to train employees to perform well, this may reflect negatively on work efficiency and internal organization, affecting the marketing aspect of banks and their ability to interact with and attract customers.

Admittedly, there are those who say that banks that are unable to attract and retain customers become less effective, which ultimately affects their creditworthiness to investors (Affum et Obiri, 2020). Although this practice did not affect the financial performance of the banking sector in the country, it confirms the call for the need for banks to remain competitive in order to attract investors to contribute their capital (Affum, 2020). By 2019, the banking sector recorded strong growth in total assets financed mainly by deposits, indicating renewed confidence. The recovery in deposits coupled with increasing capital levels gave impetus to strong credit growth during this period. These valuable reforms have become potential sources of competition among banks that have passed the test of cleaning up the financial sector and are now pursuing advanced strategies that will make them respond to the requirements of the sector and increase their deposits. This is because customers are rational and look for banks that are more reliable in many ways and that can ensure credibility through their communication styles (Egwuonwu et al., 2017) He noted that the failure of any company - including those banks - to maintain the loyalty of its customers tactfully can... It leads to customers switching to other banks, as the sector is already competitively spread. Hence, the expertise of banks in properly using their marketing communication strategies to communicate a clear, consistent, credible and competitive message about themselves and their products becomes a strategic step in attracting customers and sustaining their result-oriented motivations (Muhanji et Ngari, 2015) and hence, the company’s ability to build Maintaining successful long-term relationships with a significant portion of the market share is one of the most important activities that banking companies in today's competitive business environment must embark on to achieve superiority (Hegner-Kakar et al., 2018).

Analyze the results of testing the second hypothesis

The second hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between favoritism recruitment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The value of the regression coefficient was (0.239), which is a positive value, at a significance level (0.203) greater than the significance level adopted within the study (0.05). Therefore, this result confirms that there is no statistically significant negative relationship between these two variables.

With this result, the second hypothesis in this study is not met, which states that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between favoritism recruitment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

This result is often unexpected. The existence of a positive relationship between favoritism recruitment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks means that the use of favoritism in the recruitment process may be indirectly linked to improving marketing performance. However, it should be considered that this result may be a result of other factors that are not obvious, and may need additional analyzes to better understand the relationship between favoritism and marketing performance.

The positive relationship between favoritism recruitment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks could reflect several possible issues. Patronage recruitment may be considered to be the presence of strong networks within banks, which can enhance cooperation and communication between work teams, and thus improve marketing performance. However, these processes may also have a negative impact on the credibility or efficiency of the recruitment process, sometimes resulting in lower quality of work or overall performance. These findings need additional analyzes for employees to understand

The primary focus and conceptual development of marketing performance emerged in the 1960s. It represents the outputs, results, behaviors, activities and goals that marketing management seeks to achieve. Marketing performance is the means through which organizations can achieve targeted success in their operations (Ali, 2022). Marketing performance refers to the effectiveness of marketing functions in meeting customer requirements and societal expectations (Fraj et al., 2011).

Marketing performance has a clear role in defining the organization's identity and distinguishing it from competitors. The marketing processes and activities undertaken by an organization to meet customer needs require differentiation. Customers can recognize an organization through its marketing performance A market where many competing organizations seek to satisfy and attract customers. In addition, marketing performance demonstrates the organization's credibility in meeting customer demands (Al-Akidi, 2015). The importance of marketing performance lies in the following aspects (Al- Bayati, 2019; AL-Shuwaili, 2013):

• Evaluating the achievement of organizational goals, facilitating coordination between different departments within the organization,

• Identifying competent individuals with experience, skills and knowledge and placing them in appropriate positions, diagnosing areas that require development and support and improving their performance,

• Providing administrative levels with information that enables planning, control, and decision-making based on scientific facts

• Diagnosing errors in the process and taking the necessary measures to address and address them

• Contributing to achieving comprehensiveness and rationality in planning and decision-making processes. (David et al., 2001)

• Assist in continuous improvement of marketing performance through continuous marketing review.

Analysis of the results of testing the third hypothesis The third hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between unqualified individuals and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

From the table of multiple regression results, we notice that the regression constant is very important, positive, and with a moral significance of less than 5% (B = 0.201, t = 1.930, p = 0.057 > 5%), which indicates the presence of a positive direct relationship, which is confirmation of the presence of a high influence of the role Social responsibility to create value. With this result, the third hypothesis is rejected in this study, which states that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between unqualified individuals and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

This result contradicts the study (Nebo et Gerald Nwora, 2020). The existence of a relationship between unqualified individuals and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks could reflect the effect of the association between the level of competence and skills of the team on overall performance. If there are a large number of individuals who are unqualified or unable to carry out tasks efficiently, this may reflect negatively on the bank's ability to provide good services and meet customer needs effectively, and thus affect marketing performance. There is a need to train or improve team skills or restructure the business to improve marketing performance and ensure the appropriate capabilities are in place to meet the needs of the bank and its customers.

The lack of relationship between unqualified individuals and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks could be an unexpected finding. This result indicates that the presence of unqualified individuals does not directly affect the marketing performance of banks. There may be other factors that have a greater impact on marketing performance, such as the marketing strategies used, the bank's relationship with customers, or general economic conditions. This result requires additional studies to understand the strengths or weaknesses of the relationship between the various factors that affect marketing performance in these banks.

Analyze the results of testing the fourth hypothesis

Fourth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between exploitation and manipulation of administrative systems and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The regression constant for the variable of exploitation and manipulation in administrative systems is significant and negative (β = -0.390, p = 0.001), which indicates a negative relationship between this variable and marketing performance. Which states that the fourth hypothesis is accepted.

This result is in line with the study (Theodore Jeremy Bagwell, 2023). The negative relationship between exploitation and manipulation in administrative systems and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks indicates that the presence of corruption or manipulation practices in administrative systems may negatively affect the efficiency and quality of banks’ marketing performance. When exploitation or manipulation occurs in administrative systems, it may lead to a loss of transparency, deteriorating trust between bank employees and customers, thus reducing the ability to provide services effectively and attract customers. This gives an indication of the need to improve administrative systems and effectively combat corruption in order to improve marketing performance in these banks

Unethical behavior or corruption in the management of administrative systems negatively affects the bank’s general ability to provide marketing services effectively. Exploitation and manipulation can lead to a loss of trust, both from employees and customers, and can also distract efforts and undermine focus on improving marketing performance. To improve, it could require reform in control systems and strengthening of governance practices to ensure the integrity and efficiency of administrative processes

Analyze the result of testing the fifth hypothesis

Fifth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant negative relationship between disguised unemployment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

The value of the regression coefficient for the variable of disguised unemployment was (-0.535), which is a negative value, at a level of significance (0.000) that is less than the level of significance adopted within the study. This indicates the presence of a negative and statistically significant effect between disguised unemployment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks, which stipulates To accept the fifth hypothesis.

This result is consistent with the study (Moses Segbenya et Tracy Aku Selasi Hatsu, 2022), as the presence of a negative relationship between disguised unemployment and marketing performance in Iraqi government banks indicates that the presence of uncommitted and ineffective employees within the organization can negatively affect marketing efforts. Disguised unemployment refers to the presence of employees who are not sufficiently productive or committed to their work, and this may lead to a deterioration in marketing performance, whether through providing unsatisfactory services to customers or affecting confidence in the bank’s internal operations. To improve performance, one can invest in improving the work environment and enhancing commitment and effectiveness among employees

The negative relationship between disguised unemployment and unemployment Marketing malady in Iraqi government banks indicates a negative impact that can have several aspects:

Impact on productivity

Having ineffective or uncommitted employees can lead to reduced productivity in service delivery and marketing, affecting the bank's ability to compete and achieve its marketing objectives.

Poor quality of services

Uncommitted employees may negatively affect the quality of services provided, which reflects on customer experience and reduces the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Impact on the organization’s reputation:

Disguised unemployment may affect the bank's reputation, as providing unsatisfactory services can damage the institution's reputation in the market.

Psychological impact on other employee

Lack of commitment by some employees may reflect on the team in general, affecting the desire and motivation to achieve marketing goals.

To overcome these challenges, human resources management can be improved, training and development opportunities can be provided to raise the level of competencies, in addition to enhancing the work environment to enhance commitment and contribute positively to marketing performance.

The most important conclusions and recommendations

At the conclusion of this chapter, we can formulate the most important conclusions from this field study, and in light of it, we will review the most important research recommendations for those responsible for marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

By testing these hypotheses, the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:

Poor workforce planning has a negative impact on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• Recruitment based on favoritism does not have a negative impact on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• Unqualified individuals do not have a negative impact on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

• Exploitation and manipulation of administrative systems has a negative impact on the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

Disguised unemployment has a negative impact on the marketing performance of Iraqi government banks. If human resources are not employed effectively and the use of their skills is not improved, this may reduce innovation and productivity in the provision of banking services, which reduces the ability of banks to compete, attract customers and improve their marketing performance.

Job slack can affect marketing performance in Iraqi government banks in several ways, such as loss of motivation and interest in work, reduced efficiency and productivity, and its impact on work directions and innovation in banking services. This situation may lead to a decline in the quality and efficiency in providing services, which negatively affects the reputation of banks and their ability to attract and retain customers.


The following is an explanation of the various aspects that Iraqi government banks can benefit from to confront functional slackness and improve marketing performance, according to the results of the study that were reached theoretically and in the field in the form of a set of recommendations proposed by the researcher, including:

• Motivating employees: Applying innovative motivational systems, such as rewards and promotions based on performance, to increase enthusiasm and productivity.

• Skills development: Providing training and development opportunities to enhance employees’ skills and increase their capabilities in marketing and service.

• Enhancing the work environment: Creating a stimulating and supportive work environment that encourages innovation and teamwork.

• Improving performance management: Developing effective performance management systems that include periodic evaluations and follow-up to stimulate continuous improvement.

• Promoting a culture of innovation: encouraging employees to suggest new and innovative ideas to improve services and marketing operations.

• The bank's senior management must be keen to raise the level of scientific and practical qualification of the bank's employees through continuous training processes.

• The bank must send its employees to participate in external training courses.

• The bank must allocate a large portion of its financial resources to the development process

• The bank must monitor the progress made in the development of the performance of its employees after training.

The bank must be careful to select highly qualified and skilled people to provide training courses.

Banks must adopt growth-oriented strategies by taking advantage of progress and developments and attracting expertise

Banks must directly adopt new technologies and techniques in their work

The impact of banks' vision for the future must be affected by developments and changes in the external environment.

Banks must work on achieving market-following strategies to avoid losing customers.

Banks must adopt profitability as an effective indicator in evaluating marketing performance.

The researcher recommends conducting continuous training courses for employees in the studied banks and in various specializations to enhance their skills and experience.

Implementing these recommendations may contribute to reducing functional slackness and improving marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.


Performance, in general and in marketing specifically, remains a critical area of focus for managers and professionals across organizations of all sizes and types. Since companies operate in dynamic and competitive environments with rapid developments, optimal performance is essential to ensure sustainability. Marketing performance is a critical element in improving organizational performance and achieving strategic objectives. To prioritize their effectiveness, organizations must ensure efficient and effective marketing operations and continuously evaluate marketing performance to address deviations and enhance goals.

The study of the impact of job slackness on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks concludes by confirming that job slackness constitutes a major challenge that affects the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing performance. These organizations need to focus on motivating employees, developing their skills, and enhancing the work environment to overcome this challenge. By adopting sustainable strategies and implementing effective management policies, marketing performance can be improved and the ability of these banks to provide better banking services to the community can be increased.

Job stagnation means here that state governmental institutions are filled with individuals who cannot be employed in productive tasks, and thus the employee’s productivity rate is low. The issue of job stagnation is also considered an extremely serious issue because of its negative effects on marketing performance in particular.

If Iraqi government banks face lean practices such as poor workforce planning, favoritism recruitment, accepting unqualified individuals, exploitation and manipulation of administrative systems, in addition to the problem of disguised unemployment, these practices are likely to have a negative impact on the banks' marketing performance.

These practices can lead to several negative repercussions such as increased business costs, deteriorating quality of banking services, loss of customer confidence, and reduced efficiency and productivity. In addition, these negative practices can affect banks' reputation and reduce the ability to compete effectively in the banking services market.

To improve marketing performance, it is necessary to enhance transparency and integrity in operational and recruitment processes, ensure the application of strict employment policies based on qualifications and capabilities, enhance a culture of professionalism and excellence at work, in addition to improving administrative systems and continuous training for employees.

Through analyzing the data and the results obtained, the researcher concluded that poor workforce planning, exploitation, and manipulation of administrative systems have a negative impact on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

Likewise, disguised unemployment, or not taking full advantage of the skills and experience of employees, can negatively affect the marketing performance in Iraqi government banks. If human resources are not employed effectively and the use of their skills is not improved, this may reduce innovation and productivity in the provision of banking services, which reduces the ability of banks to compete, attract customers and improve their marketing performance.

Recruitment based on favoritism and unqualified individuals does not have a negative impact on marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.

Based on the results of the research, the study concluded with the following recommendations:

• Motivating employees: Applying innovative motivational systems,such as rewards and promotions based on performance, to increase enthusiasm and productivity.

• Skills development: Providing training and development opportunities to enhance employees’ skills and increase their capabilities in marketing and service.

• Enhancing the work environment: Creating a stimulating and supportive work environment that encourages innovation and teamwork.

• Improving performance management: Developing effective performance management systems that include periodic evaluations and follow-up to stimulate continuous improvement.

• Promoting a culture of innovation: encouraging employees to suggest new and innovative ideas to improve services and marketing operations.

• The bank's senior management must be keen to raise the level of scientific and practical qualification of the bank's employees through continuous training processes.

• The bank must send its employees to participate in external training courses.

• The bank must allocate a large portion of its financial resources to the development process

• The bank must monitor the progress made in the development of the performance of its employees after training.

• The bank must be careful to select highly qualified and skilled people to provide training courses.

Implementing these recommendations may contribute to reducing functional slackness and improving marketing performance in Iraqi government banks.


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