Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Research Article - (2025) Volume 20, Issue 1


Dani Primanata* and Shada Noorfathya Achmad
*Correspondence: Dani Primanata, Doctorate in Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science and Health, State University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, Email:
Doctorate in Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science and Health, State University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Received: 24-Jan-2025 Published: 03-Feb-2025


In the context of physical education learning, student assessment of mastery skills and delivery of material provides valuable information for teachers to improve the quality of teaching. Through lesson study and open class activities, teachers have the opportunity to evaluate and improve mastery skills and delivery of material in physical education learning. The purpose of this study is to determine Teacher Skills in Mastering and Delivering Physical Education Learning Materials. The method used in this study is a survey, this study was conducted at SMK Islam Krembung on March 18. The subjects of this study were physical education teachers who teach at Risqi Nailul Hidayat school and 32 students. The data collection technique used in this study was the observation and documentation technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire consisting of a Physical Education Teacher Teaching Skills Questionnaire and a Formative Class Evaluation Questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the skills of mastery and delivery of material in PJOK learning through student assessment using the FCE questionnaire were included in the categoryGood with an average score of 2.88 while the average value of the mastery and delivery skills of the material through the assessment of 3 teacher observers is included in the good category with an average of 10.66. SoIt is concluded that the implementation of lesson study and open class activities in physical education learning has succeeded in improving students' mastery and delivery of material.


PJOK, Skills, Open Class, Lesson Study


In the context of the skills of PJOK teachers in delivering learning materials through lesson study and open class activities, it is important to consider various elements. (Awaluddin et al., 2018). PJOK teachers need to have a deep understanding of the latest curriculum as well as innovative and interesting teaching methods. (Malady B et al., 2022). They also need to have the ability to motivate and engage students in the learning process.

In addition, PJOK teachers also need to be able to establish good cooperation with colleagues in lesson study activities. (Trinaldi et al., 2022). (Arisetiyana et al., 2020) (Arisetiyana et al., 2020) By collaborating in planning, implementing, and reflecting on learning, teachers can mutually enrich their knowledge and skills. (Purwanti & Puspitasari, nd)This also allows for the contribution of various ideas and teaching strategies that can improve the quality of PJOK learning. In open class activities, the skills of PJOK teachers in delivering learning materials will be tested directly through observations by fellow teachers. (Sabillah & Nasrulloh, 2022). This allows teachers to demonstrate their ability to deliver material effectively, motivate students, and maintain student engagement throughout the learning process. In addition, open class activities also provide opportunities for teachers to receive direct feedback from colleagues, so that they can continue to improve and develop their skills in delivering learning materials. By implementing lesson study and open class, PJOK teachers can continue to improve their skills in delivering learning materials (Purwanti & Puspitasari, 2021). Through lesson study, teachers can deepen their understanding of the curriculum and innovative teaching methods. Collaboration with colleagues also allows for the exchange of ideas and strategies that can improve the quality of PJOK learning.

In addition, through open classes, teachers have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to deliver material effectively and motivate students. (Rangka et al., 2016) Peer observation provides direct feedback that can help teachers continue to develop their skills. (Wawat, 2022) By continuing to implement lesson study and open classes, PJOK teachers can improve their skills in delivering learning materials so that they can create a better learning experience for students.

According to the opinion of (Purwanti & Puspitasari, nd) In the context of lesson study, PJOK teachers can develop their skills in planning quality learning, implementing innovative teaching strategies, and conducting indepth reflection on learning outcomes. By actively participating in lesson study activities, teachers can continue to improve the quality of their teaching through exploring new ideas and sharing experiences with colleagues. (Subadi et al., 2013).

The skills of PJOK teachers in delivering learning materials through lesson study and open class activities are very important in supporting the creation of meaningful and effective learning for students. Therefore, the development of these skills needs to be the main focus in efforts to improve the quality of physical education, sports, and health in schools.

In particular, lesson study activities allow PJOK teachers to explore more complex learning concepts by analysing them with colleagues. Thus, teachers can develop more effective teaching strategies and can improve students' understanding of the learning material. In addition, through open class activities, teachers have the opportunity to demonstrate their teaching skills to colleagues, so they can get constructive feedback to continue to improve the quality of their learning. (Susilawati et al., 2020). In this context, it is important for PJOK teachers to continue to develop themselves and always be open to various innovations and developments in the world of education. By strengthening their skills in delivering learning materials through lesson study and open class activities, it is hoped that the quality of PJOK learning can continue to improve and have a positive impact on student development.

Through lesson study activities, teachers can work together to develop and improve their teaching methods. They can observe each other, provide constructive feedback, and create a collaborative environment to improve the quality of teaching. While through open classes, teachers can broaden their horizons by visiting fellow teachers' classes to see firsthand how they deliver learning materials.

By combining the skills of PJOK teachers in lesson study and open class activities, it is hoped that it will be able to create more effective, interactive learning and support the holistic development of students in the fields of sports and health. (Handayani et al., 2021). In lesson study activities, PJOK teachers can plan learning together, consider various points of view, and test new teaching methods. (Handayani et al., 2021). They can reflect together to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching methods they have implemented and make necessary improvements.

Meanwhile, through open classes, PJOK teachers can see directly how their colleagues deliver learning materials. (Henny Soepriyanti, 2021). They can learn from the various approaches used by fellow teachers and adapt them to suit the learning styles and needs of their respective classes. In lesson study, PJOK teachers can also use the time to discuss effective assessment strategies. They can design various forms of assessment that can reflect students' understanding and skills in sport and health. (Prawitasari & Suharto, 2020) Thus lesson study becomes an opportunity for PJOK teachers to enrich their understanding of learning evaluation and develop appropriate assessment methods.

While in open classes, PJOK teachers can take advantage of this opportunity to practice their skills in creating a learning environment that supports and encourages student involvement. (Ribut et al., 2019). By observing fellow teachers, they can gain new inspiration in managing the class and attracting active student participation in sports and health learning. By actively participating in lesson study and open class, it is hoped that PJOK teachers can continue to improve the quality of their teaching and bring positive impacts in sports and health learning for their students.

Thus, through collaboration in lesson study activities and exploration through open classes, PJOK teachers will be increasingly trained in delivering learning materials in an interesting, innovative way, and in accordance with the latest developments in the field of sports and health. This will have a positive impact on students' learning experiences and can help make PJOK learning more meaningful and support students' holistic development.

Research Methods

This research is a quantitative descriptive research with one variable without making comparisons and connecting with other variables. (Maksum, 2012). Descriptive research is not intended to test a particular hypothesis, but only to describe what is happening about a variable, symptom or condition. (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2015). The method used in this study is a survey, the survey was conducted to determine the teaching skills of teachers in delivering PJOK material at the Krembung Islamic Vocational School in PJOK learning. This study was conducted at the Krembung Islamic Vocational School on March 18 according to (Sriundy, 2015) that the subject of the research is the subject that the researcher wants to target for research. So the subjects in this study are the PJOK teachers who teach at SMK Islam Krembung and 32 students.

The data collection technique used in this study is the observation and documentation technique. The observation used is a type of non-participatory observation. According to (Sugiyono, 2013) In this observation, the researcher comes to the place of activity of the person being observed, but does not participate in the activity. The researcher will observe the learning process carried out by the teacher using an observation sheet in the form of a questionnaire. The documentation method used to obtain data through written records in the form of archives, cases including opinions or theories related to the research problem. Documentation techniques are used to find previously recorded subjects. The data revealed includes the identity of the subject, learning RPP, photos of PJOK learning. In this study, the researcher used a research instrument in the form of an observation sheet. In this study, the instrument used was a questionnaire consisting of a questionnaire on the teaching skills of physical education teachers and a Formative Class Evaluation (FCE) questionnaire. (Suroto, 2005). This study uses quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques.

Results and Discussion


The research results will explain the results of the students' assessment of Skills in Mastering and Delivering Physical Education Learning Materials and the skill level of Physical Education teachers. Skills in Mastering and Delivering Materials using the results of observations from 3 Observer Teachers, more details will be explained below (Table 1).

Table 1: FCE Assessment Recap Results

Items F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9 Average
Dimension Results Volition Method Cooperation 2.86
Male 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.80 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.40 3.00
20 3.00 2.90 2.75 2.70
Female 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.83 3.00 2.83 2.50 3.00 2.91
12 3.00 2.92 2.92 2.75
Total 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.88 2.94 3.00 2.63 2.44 3.00 2.88
Standard Score 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 2 5
32 3.00 2.91 2.81 2.72
Standard Score 5 4 5 4 5

Based on the table above, the results of the student assessment of The average score of Mastery and Delivery Skills of PJOK Learning Materials is 2.88 with a good category. More details will be explained from the four assessment dimensions, including the Result Dimension, which has an average score of 3.00 with a standard score of 5. In the Volition Dimension, the average is 2.91 with a standard score of 4. While in the Method Dimension, the average value is 2.81 with a standard score of 5 and the last is the Cooperation Dimension, which has an average value of 2.72 with a standard score of 4.

The following will explain the quality of teachers in the skills of mastering and delivering physical education learning materials through the assessment of 3 observers (Table 2).

Table 2: Results of the Observer Teacher Assessment

No Skills Observer Teacher Mean
Observer 1 Observer 2 Observer 3
1 Mastery of learning materials 4 4 3 3.66
2 Consistency of the sequence of materials 3 4 3 3.33
3 Systematic and logical delivery of material 3 4 4 3.66
Amount 10 12 10 10.66

Based on the table above, the teacher's skills inMastery and Delivery of Learning MaterialsPhysical Education in included in the good category with an average of 10.66.


Developing student skills in PJOK learning is becoming increasingly important in achieving educational goals. (Anggi Putri Novia Erlina, 2021).Through lesson study and open class activities, teachers have the opportunity to evaluate and improve their skills in mastering and delivering material in PJOK learning. (Handayani et al., 2021). This provides added value in developing effective teaching and learning methods and improving students' understanding of the material. Thus, students' assessment of mastery skills and delivery of material in PJOK learning through lesson study and open class activities becomes very relevant to be explored further.

In the context of PJOK learning, student assessment of mastery skills and delivery of material provides valuable information for teachers to improve the quality of teaching. (State Minister, 2020). Through lesson study activities, teachers can collaborate to plan, implement, and evaluate learning continuously. In addition, by holding open classes, teachers can get direct feedback from students and colleagues about mastery skills and delivery of materials.

Student assessments can cover a variety of aspects, such as clarity of delivery of material, success in motivating students, and the ability to answer questions and solve problems. Through this activity, teachers can gain in-depth insight into the effectiveness of the learning methods used and identify areas that need improvement. (Zakiah, 2019). In addition, student assessment also allows for improvements in the preparation of learning materials to better suit students' needs and understanding. (Andhika Yudisthira et al., 2023). Thus, student assessment of mastery skills and delivery of materials in PJOK learning through lesson study and open class activities not only provides benefits for teachers in improving the quality of teaching, but also provides opportunities for students to actively contribute to the learning process.

In addition, student assessments can also be a benchmark for teachers to evaluate themselves and make continuous improvements in teaching (Mustafa & Writer, 2022). With direct feedback from students, teachers can proactively identify weaknesses and strengths in their teaching methods, thereby continuously improving the quality of PJOK teaching.(Hasan et al., 2023). Furthermore, student assessments can also be used as evaluation material for schools or educational institutions to evaluate teacher performance in PJOK learning. Data and information obtained from student assessments can be used as a basis for developing professional development programs for teachers so that they can continue to improve their mastery and delivery skills in PJOK learning.

Thus, student assessment of mastery skills and delivery of material in PJOK learning through lesson study and open class activities has a positive impact on teachers, students, and educational institutions as a whole. (Subadi et al., 2013). By continuously developing and refining assessment methods, teachers can improve the quality of PJOK teaching and provide more effective learning experiences for students. (Rapanta et al., 2020). In addition, through lesson study and open class programs, teachers can continue to encourage collaboration and reflection so that innovative and relevant learning approaches to students' needs can continue to be built.


Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the use of Lesson Study and Open Class activities in PJOK learning has succeeded in improving students' mastery and delivery skills. Through Lesson Study, teachers can mutually improve the way they deliver materials and develop more effective learning strategies. Meanwhile, Open Class provides an opportunity for students to conduct direct evaluations of the learning process, thereby increasing student involvement and understanding of the material. Thus, the use of both methods together can provide a positive contribution to the quality of PJOK learning.


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