The Effect Of Network Training Exercises In The Style Of Playing In The Development Of Some Basic Skills Of Young Football

Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Full Length Research Paper - (2022) Volume 17, Issue 6

The Effect Of Network Training Exercises In The Style Of Playing In The Development Of Some Basic Skills Of Young Football

Liza Rustum Yaqoob*
*Correspondence: Liza Rustum Yaqoob, College of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq, Email:
College of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Received: 18-Nov-2022 Accepted: 20-Dec-2022 Published: 20-Dec-2022


Football is one of the games in which the team counts a winner while scoring more goals in the opponent’s goal. The researcher noticed that there is a weakness in the basic skills of the two players, as the researcher considered preparing the training network exercises in a playing style that contribute to the success of this performance. The experimental researcher with the tribal and remote test of the experimental and control groups for its suitability to the nature of the research, the players of the Babel Sports Club for juniors football for the 2021 sports season, and their number (20 players), and the sample was divided into two experimental groups and a control group, with a rate of (10 players) for each group. Positively in developing some basic skills of junior footballers.    


Sports exercise. Sports psychology. Network exercises. Basic skills. Football.


Football is one of the games in which the team calculates a winner while scoring more goals in the opponent’s goal, and accordingly coaches seek to develop training programs based on scientific foundations that lead to the basic skills that the player needs to win in this game, which is reflected in the training and then on the level The performance of direct free kicks, which plays an important role in achieving victory, especially at the last time of the match, as there are many evidences of these kicks and their optimal investment that led to victory in competitions, and the importance of research preparing network training exercises in a playing style in developing some basic skills for juniors football (Al-Selmi et al., 2019).

At the present time, the development of higher training that the world is witnessing today in all fields, and in the sports field in particular, has led to the creation of specific training methods to help coaches diagnose weaknesses and reach the most effective means to achieve the goals, which is to win the match. The researcher noted that there is a weakness in the basic skills of national players As the researcher considered preparing the training network exercises in a playing style that contribute to the success of this performance, it is an essential duty for the coach, the player, and those interested in these football skills. Research objective are Preparing training network exercises in the style of playing in developing some basic skills for junior footballers.Identifying the training network exercises in the style of playing in the development of some basic skills of football juniors, basic to young football players


Community and sample research

Babel Sports Club players for junior football for the 2021 sports season, their number (20 players), and (10 players) for each group (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1: Shows the homogeneity.

Measuring unit
Std. Deviations
Skew ness
160.117 160.000 1.431 0.734
60.321 60.000 1.567 0.721
17.122 17.000 1.687 0.651

Table 2: It shows the parity.

Experimental group Control group T  value Level sig Type sig
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Scoring towards the goal 7.543 0.711 6.876 0.621 0.787 0.532 Non sig
Kick the ball as far as possible from the stationary 8.677 0.870 7.456 0.478 0.632 0.498 Non sig
Rolling between the poles 6.005 0.733 7.002 0.453 0.672 0.778 Non sig
Significant when the significance value ≤ 0.05 under degree of freedom of 9

Research hypotheses

Network training exercises in a playing style have a positive effect in developing some basic skills of junior footballers

Research fields

1. Human field: Babel Football Club players for the 2021 sports season

2. Time field: (3/7/2021) to (13/9/2021)

3. Spatial field: Babylon Sports Club football stadium.

Methods and tools were used in the research

Soccer field, 4 soccer balls conforming to international standards, soccer whistle, a tape measure, a Sony video camera with a frequency of (480 images) (2), Dell laptop computer.

Tests used

1. Scoring towards the goal (Mufti, 2006).

2. Kick the ball as far as possible from stability (Raysan, 1995; Mohammed et al., 2021).

3. Rolling between the pillars (Qasim, 2005; Flayyih & Khiari, 2023).

Pre-tests: 3/7/2021

The exercises used in the research

The sample started carrying out exercises on 8/7/2022 until 9/9/2022.

Post-tests: Post-tests 13/9/2022

Statistical methods: Statistical portfolio researcher (SPSS)


The results are explained in tables (Tables 3-5).

Table 3: The results of the pre and post tests on the biokinetic abilities of the experimental group.

Pre-test Post-tests difference of Standard deviation T value Level sig Type sig
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Scoring towards the goal 7.543 0.545 8.221 0.566 5.745 5.820 0.000 Sig
Kick the ball as far as possible from the stationary 8.677 0.699 9.898 0.754 6.665 6.871 0.002 Sig
Rolling between the poles 6.005 0.678 5.543 0.478 8.921 4.630 0.001 Sig
Significant when the significance value ≤ 0.05 under degree of freedom of 9

Table 4: The results of the pre and post tests of the control group on biokinetic aptitudes.

Pre-test Post-tests difference of Standard deviation T value Level sig Type sig
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Scoring towards the goal 6.876 0.601 7.554 0.488 8.619 7.321 0.001 Sig
Kick the ball as far as possible from the stationary 7.456 0.897 8.778 0.567 7.790 5.456 0.002 Sig
Rolling between the poles 7.002 0.732 6.567 0.733 5.678 7.440 0.001 Sig
Significant when the significance value ≤ 0.05 under degree of freedom of 9

Table 5: The results of the post-tests in the biokinetic aptitude tests under study in the control and experimental groups.

Experimental group Control group T value Level sig Type sig
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Arithmetic mean 
Standard deviation
Scoring towards the goal 9.122 0.543 8.009 0.765 6.564 0.002 Sig
Kick the ball as far as possible from the stationary 10.667 0.932 9.321 0.611 6.723 0.001 Sig
Rolling between the poles 5.001 0.764 6.003 0.721 8.733 0.000 Sig
Significant when the significance value ≤ 0.05 under degree of freedom of 18


The researcher attributes this to the effect of network training exercises in a playing style in developing some basic skills for junior footballers, and that one of the most important goals of sports training is the development of the level of skillful, physical and tactical performance. Scientific and thoughtful, and that this group has been trained in the period of time and focus and attention on the gradual increase in training intensity, which relied on scientific means and the training load was well legalized, taking into account the individual differences between the players (Qasim, 2010; Hassan et al., 2019), that the development of skills must Accompanying it is the process of developing the elements of physical fitness, as the training processes must consider the development of the elements of physical fitness and the development of skills as part of one process (Amr, 2001), The researcher attributes this development to the training program, applying the exercises in the training unit well, and working to reach the It leads to adaptation, which helped to increase the strength of the muscles of the legs, and thus led to an evolution in the test of kicking the ball to the farthest distance (Muwaffaq, 2001; Mohammed, 2018), and modern training is a comprehensive and integrated process. Neglecting any component of the game with adequate training makes the player ineligible to perform his duties on the field, and the player cannot perform his technical and tactical duties unless he has sufficient ability and physical ability, and the implementation of any plan cannot be successful unless the player is capable. From a skill point of view (Mufti, 1994) , the player must, while rolling the ball, balance between the speed of his launch with the ball and the degree of his control over it (Muhammad ,2000). With the ball, changing direction or making camouflage attempts and movements (Mortaza, 1997).


The training program for network training exercises in a playing style has led to a clear development in the development of some basic skills of young footballers. The emergence of significant differences between the results of the tribal and remote tests of the experimental group has led to a clear development in some basic skills in football. Recommendations is Allocating a specific time during the training units for the preparation of skills to train the performance of skills by the players and their implementation to reach the best level.


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