The effect of using the electronic participatory learning strategy according to the web programs in learning some basic skills of basketball for first-grade intermediate school students according to the curricular course

Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Research - (2021) Volume 16, Issue 3

The effect of using the electronic participatory learning strategy according to the web programs in learning some basic skills of basketball for first-grade intermediate school students according to the curricular course

Thaer Karam Jaaona1 and Maitham Saadi Ali2*
*Correspondence: Maitham Saadi Ali, College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad, Iraq, Email:
1Faculty of mass communication, university of Baghdad, Iraq
2College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Received: 05-May-2021 Accepted: 17-Jun-2021 Published: 24-Jun-2021


The research aims to identify the impact of using the electronic participatory learning strategy according to internet programs in learning some basic basketball skills for middle first graders according to the curricular course, and the sample of research was selected in the deliberate way of students The first stage of intermediate school.As for the problem of research, the researchers said that there is a weakness in the levels of school students in terms of teaching basketball skills, which prompted the researchers to create appropriate solutions by using a participatory learning strategy.The researchers imposed statistically significant differences between pre and post-test tests, in favor of the post tests individually and in favor of the electronic participatory learning strategy in learning some basic skills in basketball. One of the most important conclusions and recommendations made by the researchers are using the e-participatory learning strategy has shown improvement in basketball skills learning and directing the attention of teachers and trainers in the field of sports using the e-participatory learning strategy as a means of learning basic basketball skills.


E-Participatory ,Learning Strategy, Key Skills, Intermediate school, basket ball


Education is one of the fundamental pillars that play an important role in the advancement and development of peoples because it has a positive and comprehensive impact on the upbringing of a new generation on a modern and advanced scientific basis, and scientific progress has added many means that have enabled the teacher to create experience and prepare them with a high degree of competence. Its responsibility is not limited to personal experience, explanation and presentation, but rather to design strategies that include the method of education and its techniques and the use of modern educational technological means and innovations in achieving effective education.The follower of the educational process recently finds that the world is moving forward in the application of modern technology in education, whether in schools or universities, as the world is witnessing a technological revolution in all fields, which make it very difficult to catch up with it, the modern variables take us from innovation to another innovation, and from application to another one, which increases the gap between us and the developed world expanding in the use and application of technology and it became clear that those who possess scientific competence have the highest priority, which makes it imperative that we race time and redouble efforts to raise the level of students and raise the level of learners with new field experiences by increasing their motivation for learning and making them more involved and participating in the educational process.

The strategy of e-participatory learning is an educational curriculum based on the participation of both the teacher and the student in the performance of the educational process, i.e. it does not depend on the teacher as the first and last source of information and does not depend on a small group of students alone, but depends on activating all students with all their mental abilities and the study that is discovered and transferred by the student.

This is if they are properly built and Internet tools employ optimal recruitment to serve the Participatory learning environment. Ibrahim Al-Far believes that "Participatory learning is a modern educational trend, corresponding to learning between teacher and student through teacher, educational television or textbook in traditional learning patterns, or through educational software and multimedia discs," integrated in modern learning style". The Internet added that a large number of learning peers could be involved in a positive and organized educational environment, with the participation of students and teachers in the targeted study. (Haken,M,2006, )

The e-learning environment and the Internet are also fertile ground for effective participatory learning strategy environment growth and development, providing social aspects of participatory learning through some available participatory tools that can be exploited and applied in the light of participatory learning. This type of learning is based on the exchange of information between a group of learners who jointly formulate discussions or reorganize materials or concepts, and through the formation and formulation of the ideas of the learners with their own thoughts and opinions, as well as receiving returns and evaluation through their partners in the team. Gewertz, Catherine (2012).

Research problem

The educational process has been challengingly difficult in trying to keep up with the developments of the era, as the student has a large number of learning sources and schools and universities have become witnessing strong competition between them and these other sources to attract the attention of the student, The diversification of educational material, learning styles, the introduction of educational means and modern technologies has become an imperative to keep up with modern technological developments such as the Internet, computer, video games and mobile phones. So we must keep up with the change around us so that our educational institutions do not come out of the circle of influence and remain the student's priority, and are interested in learning and providing school content in a contemporary way that meets the needs, trends and interests of students.

The researchers noted the lesson of sports education, especially basketball in middle school, which needs more attention in diversifying its teaching methods in order to provide the student with as much experience as possible and in a way that ensures maximum interaction and participation of the student and motivation, and for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of education and investing time and effort and utilization of electronic innovations and new features, which reflects positively on the requirements of teaching basketball skill, so the researchers decided to conduct a study through which electronic programs are employed as an educational assistant to teach some basketball skills, which work to engage the student and give him A more positive role in the interaction during learning to be the focus of the educational process rather than its role as a recipient and listener only.

Using the e-participatory learning strategy in accordance with internet programs) in learning some basic basketball skills for middle first graders in accordance with the courses the curriculum.

Research hypothesis

There are statistically significant differences between pre- and post-test and in favor of post-test learning some basic basketball skills.

Research fields:

Human field: Middle School Students

Temporal field: 20/10/2019--22/12/2019

Spatial field: The external courtyard of the Motwaseta El-Zahawyfor boys.

Method and tools:

The research community is the individuals or units that will study all their characteristics or withdraw their sample is genuinely represented, and the more the researchers based their choice of sample of his research on the sound scientific basis, the more satisfactory results Marwan Abdul Majid Ibrahim (2002), and therefore the available possibilities were reviewed. And the circumstances surrounding the research requirements and the research community and sample of the research were identified by the following steps:

-The research community was selected in the deliberate way and they are the students of the first stage / Motwaseta El-Zahawy for boys for the 2018- 2019 academic year and the number of (120) students by (4) divisions for the following reasons:

The first stage curriculum contains the subject of basketball as one of the practical lessons in which the skills of basketball are taught in the course of research in accordance with the method prepared by the Department of first Al-Rasafa class Education.

- The research sample, whose number is (20) students, and who are studying for the academic year 2018-2019 in the first intermediate stage, in being randomly selected and after excluding the failed and deferred to be (20) students of the research sample.

-Methods of data collection

-Arab and foreign sources.

-Personal interviewing.

-Tests and measurements.

-Basketballs (10)



-Whistle (2)

-Data show

- 30-inch TV

- Design a site in the YouTube program

- Measuring bar

- Duct tape

- Test results scoring form

Field research procedures

Chest Handling Test: (Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Dayem, Mohamed Sobhy Hassanein, 1999)

Test purpose: To measure a student's ability to perform thoracic handling and reception.

Tools used: flat ground, smooth and flat wall, stopwatch, basketball.

Performance specifications: The player stands behind a line drawn on the ground and a distance of (270 cm) from the wall. Upon hearing the signal, the student handles the ball to the wall and receives it, as (10) attempts are made.


- All the handling must be performed from behind the line on the ground.

- It is not allowed to hit the ball after it bounces from the wall, as it must be received and then re-handled.

-In the event that the ball falls to the ground during the performance, the tester will re-acquire the ball and continue to perform from behind the line, only the correct handling that is routed from the tester to the wall and then directly to the tester without touching the ball to the ground.

- The tester is allowed two attempts on the test, to be counted as the best.

Scoring: The resident evaluates the student's performance from the moment the ball touches the wall in the first successful handling until the ball touches the wall at the last attempt and then the expert gives a score to each of the movements of the technical performance of the skill and according to the form prepared.

Scoring test of stability (Mohammed Mahmoud Abdul Dayem, Mohammed Sobhi Hassanein, 1999)

The purpose of the test: Scoring measurement of stability.

The necessary tools: basketball court, basketball goal, basketball.

Number of attempts: The player is pointing the ball on the basket three groups each group of (5) consecutive aiming from the middle of the free throw field and on both sides and gives each player one suitable period between each group and the other.

Calculating points: Two degrees are calculated for each basketball, one score per ball that touches the ring and to enter the tester degrees are equal to the total points that are gotten in the 15 attempts, knowing that the maximum score is 30 degrees..

Applied : (Time is 20 minutes)

The exploratory experiment (a preliminary experimental study performed by researchers on a small sample before it was carried out with the aim of testing research methods and tools) Sami Mohammed Melhem(2007).

For the purpose of identifying the course of work, the tests for research will be applied on (17/10/2019) to a sample of (10) students representing the first average and the curriculum will be applied to the same sample, which did not enter into the basic experiment and from the research community itself, and applied this method (using the strategy of participatory e-learning according to internet programs) and over the course of two educational modules, and the goal of the exploratory experiment was the following:

1-Identify the obstacles and errors that can occur during the application of educational units to avoid them.

2-The safety of the tools placed as well as the presence of their places and dimensions.

3-Recognize that the teacher of matter has mastered the application of this technique.

4-Rest assured that the style is appropriate for students at this stage and serves the guidance that researchers want to serve the main part of the educational unit.

5- Organize the application of the test sequence.

6-Time taken by tests.

8- Finalizing the administration of organizational and educational activities and tests.

The pre-tests of the research sample were carried out on 20/10/2019 in the Motwaseta El-Zahawy for boys, and the researchers have established the conditions of tests as place and time, as the tests were conducted within the scheduled lessons in the curriculum and in one place, the external courtyard.

The curriculum using the e-participatory learning strategy:

Through the theoretical study of scientific references and similar and previous studies and by reference to scientific sources of teaching methods, an educational program was developed within the web and a website is designed by YouTube program in the main section of the educational unit to learn some skills Basic basketball based on the strategy of participatory e-learning. It is consistent with the age characteristics, inclinations and needs of the abilities of middle school students and the timings of the educational unit itself scheduled in the Al-Rasafa First Directorate.

The research developed the curriculum using the e-participatory learning strategy of the experimental group only where the researchers based on the use of educational technology by designing a site on YouTube program for the skills to be learned as the research procedures require the provision of audio and visual models that were used in educational units, where the skills seen by the student on the site are addressed and then a group of questions about educational films are asked to benefit from them during their application in the application section where it shows the dynamic sequence of skills to be used in the knowledge of the player For his mistakes during the dynamic performance of the skill, which helps the student to overcome those mistakes at the same time.

-The steps of the e-participatory learning strategy:

1-Distribution of female students to equal groups.

2-Create a special site on YouTube.

3-Insert lectures on YouTube.

4-Insert educational films on YouTube.

5- Allocation of an educational unit in order to discuss the dynamic sequencing in learning these skills and avoiding mistakes while performing them.

Curriculum Timeline:

The implementation of the educational units according to the e-participatory learning strategy

The curriculum was applied according to the specific skills and the duration of the curriculum has reached (8) weeks and the amount of (4) weeks for each type of skills under study according to the curriculum vocabulary of the teacher of the subject, where the curriculum included (16) educational units and the reality of two educational units per week in my day (Sunday and Tuesday) The educational unit was divided into three sections (preparatory, main, final) and the time allocated to each department was as follows:-

- Preparatory section (10) minutes.

2 Main section (30) flour.

• The educational section 10 minutes.

• The applied section is 20 minutes.

2- The final section (5) minutes.

As for the educational units. It has followed the following steps in applying it to the research group. At the front of the educational unit: the teacher registers the attendance and prepares the necessary tools.

A-Preparing through its both public and private type.

B-Education Section: This is the part in which students are taught basic skills as the teacher presents the new skill through video clips as well as distributing a set of images explaining the sequence of skill, as well as providing the practical model of the skill given.

C-Application section: Students apply their mobility skills in the teaching department of the education unit.

D-Final section: In this part of the teaching unit, the teacher gives exercises to calm the body and then leave.

The post tests of the research sample of the totals were conducted on 22/12/2019 and after the completion of the application of the educational curriculum, and under the direct supervision of the researchers. The researchers were keen to create the conditions under which the pre-tests themselves were conducted.

The researchers used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (spss) in treating the research results to extract thearithmetical mean values , standard deviation, and T-test for the correlated samples (Table 1).

Table 1. Shows the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, and the calculated (t) value of the research skills in the pre and post tests.

variables Pre-test Post test Average differences Deviation of differences Sig Signification
arithmetic mean Standard deviation arithmetic mean Standard deviation
Scoring from stability 4.7500 1.28806 9.5000 1.08711 -4.75000- .42862 .000 Moral
Thoracic handling 4.2500 1.28806 8.1667 .71774 -3.91667- .49937 .000 Moral

Discussion of the pre and post test results of the experimental group of scoring skills of stability.

Basketball handling

Through the results shown in Table (1), we find that the difference is significant and in favor of the posttest tests of the research group according to what came in the first hypothesis of the study, and the researchers attribute this to several reasons, the most important of which are:

The researchers attribute the development in basketball skills in question to following modern scientific foundations by keeping pace with the development in scientific aspects through the use of modern electronic technologies through the media (visual and audio) through web programs. YouTube and the possibilities of displaying skill in a way that is included in the video clips posted on the site pictures (Dalia Khairi, Omar Hobeishi (2009)

Therefore, it is a way of learning that is characterized by a suspense and reflects on the traditional things that occur and the usual monotony between the teacher and the student during the implementation of the skill in the lesson (Doaa Mohammed Labib, Ibrahim Labib (2007).

In addition to the effectiveness of using the educational curriculum and gradualizing the selected exercises scientifically and with correct and consistent repetitions consistent with the level and capabilities of the sample members and based on the correct practice, "repetition and practice on a certain skill within a dynamic duty leads to increased experience and development in Mental and physical susceptibility, practice is also the most important variable in the learning process for complex and even simple skills (Mohammed Fawzi, 2010).

The results of the current research are consistent with the studies of DoaaLabib, 2007, Hamad Al-Khalidi, 2007, Ahmed Yousef, 2008, Zainab Khalifa, 2009, GhadaMouawad, 2008, 2005 and Roberts, Wang, 2010, who emphasized the importance of participatory e-learning in the development of special performances and skills for the learners in general, as it contains many advantages: building new knowledge participatoryly among learners, giving more freedom and flexibility in the learning process away from the limits imposed by the formal learning environment, as well as helping to share experiences and knowledge among learners.

The current research also stressed the importance of using (ECLE) tools in university education, especially the tools used (Wiki, Videocasting, Rss news carrier)and Chao,2007 (Parker, Krebs et al., 2010) on the importance of wikis as a learning tool as a tool to enhance the learning process and support collaboration to engage learners in learning with their colleagues in a collaborative environment.


The experimental method was used for its suitability and the nature of the research, and consisted of 10 students for Motwaset Al-Zahawy School for Boys in Baghdad and through the results of the research the researchers reached some of the conclusions related to the teaching of some basic skills basketball, namely that the use of collaborative electronic learning was A positive impact on the teaching of some basic basketball skills and the e-participatory learning strategy has been instrumental in developing the level of learning of some basic basketball skills among students.


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