Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Research - (2024) Volume 19, Issue 2


Mohammed Asim Ghazi*
*Correspondence: Mohammed Asim Ghazi, College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Al-Mustaqbal University, 51001 Hillah, Babil-Iraq, Iraq, Email:
College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Al-Mustaqbal University, 51001 Hillah, Babil-Iraq, Iraq

Received: 10-Mar-2024 Published: 24-Apr-2024


The study highlights the importance of “green education” in facing the times' challenges and its role in achieving sustainable development. The study discusses the concept of green education” and its various dimensions and presents a modern, renewed vision for its application in educational institutions. The study highlights the role of the teacher, student, and society in the success of the green education process. The conclusions were that “Green education is imperative to meet today's challenges and achieve sustainable development. Green education” can be achieved by integrating its principles into all curricula and educational activities. The teacher plays a pivotal role in the success of the “green education” process by making students aware of the importance of environmental issues and motivating them to take sustainable behaviors. The student actively participates in the “green education” process. Through its participation in ecological and research activities, the community is an essential partner in the success of the “green education” process by providing the necessary support to educational institutions and encouraging sustainable behaviors. The recommendations include Adopting “green education” as a basic curriculum in all educational institutions, training teachers on the principles of “green education” and how to apply it in the classroom, providing the necessary resources to implement “green education” programs in schools, and engaging students in environmental and research activities and raising community awareness of the importance of “green education” and its role in achieving sustainable development.


Gren learning, integration of arts and sports, sustainable


Green learning is an educational approach that focuses on enhancing awareness of Enviromental issues and promoting sustainable behaviors in individuals. This approach plays an important role in promoting integration between arts and sports within sustainable development, Green learning, as a concept highlighted in the research papers, emphasizes (2023) the importance of incorporation Enviromental awareness into educational practices, especially in biology education. This approach encourages students to see themselves as part of a larger ecosystem. It promotes solutions that benefit not only humans but also other living organisms, in line with the principles of sustainable development. In addition, the integration of arts and sports within the framework of sustainable development is discussed in the context of the integration of art and science for collaborative sustainability actions (Carlie, 2020). This integration allows for interdisciplinary learning, participatory processes, and collaborative sustainability actions, enabling community members to envision and implement sustainable alternatives in their local environments. By combining the principles of green learning with the integration of art and science, a comprehensive approach to education and action for sustainability can be achieved, promoting a deeper understanding of environmental issues and promoting positive change in society.

Problem of study

The impact of green learning on integrating fine arts and physical education within the framework of sustainable development is truly remarkable. By incorporating elements of nature, outdoor activities, and environmental awareness into the curriculum, students can not only explore their creativity through the arts but also develop a deeper connection with their surrounding environment. This holistic approach to education promotes a sense of wellbeing and mindfulness and nurtures a sense of responsibility towards the environment. By engaging in activities such as gardening, hiking, or creating art installations from recycled materials, students are encouraged to think creatively and critically about how they can contribute positively to their communities while embracing sustainability practices. Overall, by intertwining green learning with fine arts and physical education, we can develop wellrounded individuals who understand the importance of living in harmony with nature and society.

Importance study

• Promoting Enviromental awareness

• Encouraging sustainable behaviors

• Enhancing creativity and innovations

Objectives of the study

• Goal 9: Build a flexible, inclusive, and sustainable infrastructure and support comprehensive industrialization and innovation within the framework of integration between arts and sports

• The contributions of green learning to encouraging sustainable behaviors through fine arts and physical education.


• Independent variable: green learning

• variable: fine arts and physical education


What is the role of “fine arts standards” and “physical education” in Supporting integration within the framework of green education and achieving sustainable development?


There is a positive, statistically significant relationship between the standards of fine arts and physical education, Enviromental awareness, and sustainable behaviors among students of the College of fine arts and Physical Education.

Terminology of study

• Green learning: It is an educational approach that focuses on integrating Enviromental issues into all aspects of the educational process, to enhance Enviromental awareness among individuals and encourage them to adopt sustainability (Ghazi., 2023)

• Integration of the arts And sports: It is to link the fields of arts and sports with each other to achieve common educational goals. (Khudhair, 2024)

• Sustainable development framework: It is a set of goals and standards that aim to achieve sustainable development, which is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” (Ghazi., 2023)


Integrating arts and sports within the framework of sustainable development has been explored in various studies. The beautification of the environment, the promotion of environmental protection concepts, and the promotion of economic, cultural, and social benefits are all major contributions of ecological art to sustainable development (Yuhu, 2023). In addition, the concept of sustainable development has been applied to sports tourism services, focusing on improving service quality and attitudes based on the SWOT-PEST model, leading to positive outcomes for tourists (Julie, 2023). Furthermore, the inclusion of artistic practices in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was highlighted as a way to develop core competencies to shape sustainable development, with vision, multi-perspectives, and a spirit of inquiry and openness as key areas of focus (Julie M. N., 2023). Furthermore, the role of sport in sustainable environmental development has been investigated, revealing the potential of sport to influence environmental protection positively through various factors such as insight, environmental values, and educational elements (Hosein, 2024). Finally, integrating arts and sciences has been proposed as a way to facilitate collaborative sustainability actions, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, participatory processes, and community engagement to envision and implement sustainable alternatives in local settings. (Carlie D. T., 2023)

What is the extent of benefit from previous studies

Study Yuhu (2023): This study suggests that environmental art can contribute significantly to sustainable development by beautifying the environment and promoting environmental protection concepts. You can use these findings to support the idea of incorporating environmental art into green education programs.

Julie (2023) study: This study presents a model for applying the concept of sustainable development to sports tourism services. You can use this model to develop educational programs that contribute to promoting sustainable sports tourism.

Julie MN (2023) Study: This study emphasizes the importance of including artistic practices in education for sustainable development. You can use these findings to support the idea of incorporating the arts into green education programs.

Hosein (2024) study: This study indicates that sport can have a positive impact on environmental protection. You can use these results to support the idea of incorporating sports into green education programs.

Carlie DT (2023): This study proposes integrating arts and sciences as a way to facilitate collaborative sustainability actions. You can use this idea to develop educational programs that contribute to enhancing cooperation between the arts and sciences in the field of sustainable development.

Population: The study population was determined from students of the College of Fine Arts and Physical Education, and the study sample from those two colleges was determined by 100 students, divided into (50) students from the College of Fine Arts and (50) students from the College of Physical Education to implement green education in integration standards in... Fine arts and physical education to achieve the desired goal, which is sustainable development, and the tools for collecting data were through previous studies and questionnaires (Table 1).

Table 1: A questionnaire on the application of good learning standards in the methods subject in the College Fine Arts and Sports Education

Question number the field the question Average standard deviation
1 Planning and preparation The teacher explains the lesson objectives clearly at the beginning of the lesson . 4.2 0.8
2 The teacher links the content of the lesson to the needs and interests of the students . 4.1 0.7
3 The teacher uses a variety of methods to present the lesson content . 4.3 0.6
4 The teacher provides adequate opportunities for students to practice what they have learned . 4.0 0.9
5 Educational environment Feel comfortable expressing your ideas in the methods class . 4.4 0.5
6 You feel that you have the respect of the teacher in the methods class . 4.5 0.4
7 You feel that you have the respect of your colleagues in the methods class . 4.3 0.6
8 You feel that the environment of the methods class encourages learning . 4.2 0.7
9 Teaching Methods The teacher encourages students to think critically in the methods class . 4.1 0.8
10 The teacher encourages students to work together in the methods class . 4.2 0.7
11 The teacher uses modern techniques in teaching in the methods class . 4.0 0.9
12 The teacher links the lesson content to real life . 4.3 0.6
13 Evaluation The teacher provides sufficient opportunities to evaluate your learning in the methods session . 4.2 0.7
14 The teacher provides useful feedback for your learning in the Methods class . 4.1 0.8
15 The teacher uses a variety of methods to evaluate your learning in the Methods class . 4.0 0.9
16 Teacher evaluations help you improve your learning in the Methods class . 4.2 0.7
17 Teacher professional development The teacher shows interest in developing his skills in the methods class . 4.3 0.6
18 The teacher applies new teaching methods in the methods class . 4.1 0.8
19 The teacher participates in training activities to develop his teaching skills . 4.2 0.7

It is clear from Table.1 that Average values for students who are generally satisfied with the application of good learning standards in the methods subject. The standard deviations: indicate that there is some variation in students’ opinions about applying good learning standards in the methods subject. Teachers must continue to focus on clarifying the objectives of the lessons and linking the content of the lessons (Table 2).

Table 2: A questionnaire on the role of “fine arts standards” and “physical education” in supporting integration within the framework of green education and achieving sustainable development

Question number
the field the question Average standard deviation
1 Fine arts standards Fine arts standards contribute to enhancing environmental awareness among students . 4.3 0.7
2 Fine arts standards contribute to developing students' critical thinking skills about environmental issues . 4.2 0.8
3 Fine arts standards help encourage students to adopt sustainable behaviors . 4.1 0.9
4 Physical education standards Physical education standards contribute to enhancing physical fitness among students, which reduces dependence on environmentally unfriendly means of transportation . 4.0 1.0
5 Physical education standards contribute to enhancing the spirit of teamwork and cooperation among students, which helps solve environmental problems collectively . 4.2 0.8
6 Physical education standards contribute to enhancing positive values among students, such as: responsibility, respect, and justice, which are essential values for achieving sustainable development . 4.3 0.7
7 Integrate standards It is important to integrate fine arts and physical education standards into green education programs . 4.4 0.6
8 Incorporating fine arts and physical education standards into green education programs helps improve students' understanding of environmental issues . 4.2 0.8
9 Incorporating fine arts and physical education standards into green education programs helps motivate students to take positive steps to protect the environment . 4.1 0.9

It is clear from Table No. 2 that the average values indicate that participants in general support the role of “fine arts standards” and “physical education” in Supporting integration within the framework of green education and achieving sustainable development. The values of the standard deviations indicate that there is some discrepancy in the participants’ opinions about the role of “fine arts standards” and “physical education” in Supporting integration within the framework of green education and achieving sustainable development.


What is the role of “fine arts standards” and “physical education” in Supporting integration within the framework of green education and achieving sustainable development?

Fine Arts Standards” and “Physical Education” play important roles in Supporting integration within the framework of green education and achieving sustainable development. By developing competencies in university students, physical education can promote critical and systematic thinking, and contribute directly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs (Salvador, 2022). In addition, holistic health physical education (HPE) has been identified as a key area that can contribute to the three dimensions of sustainability and the development goals. Sustainable education, emphasizing the importance of educational systems in achieving these goals (Salvador B.-M. S.-V., 2022). Furthermore, integrating education for sustainable development into regular physical education programs can lead to behavioral changes such as reducing clothing consumption, changing diets, and promoting environmentally friendly transportation methods, including Aligned with the principles of sustainable development (Charlotte, 2022)Overall, the literature suggests that both fine arts and physical education standards can serve as valuable tools in promoting sustainability and environmental awareness in educational settings, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable world .

Discuss the Results

The hypothesis states: “There is a positive, statistically significant relationship between the standards of fine Arts and physical education and the application of green education to achieve the goals of sustainable development among students of the College of Fine Arts and Physical Education (Table 3).

Table 3: Table of standards for fine Arts and physical education and principles of Green Education to Achieve Sustainable Development.

The field
Standards Principles of green education to achieve sustainable development Average standard deviation correlation Effect size Contribution percentage
Fine arts standards creativity Using fine arts to express their feelings and thoughts about environmental issues. And educational Creating works of art that enhance educational awareness. 4.2 0.8 0.65 strong 32.50%
Appreciation Appreciating the beauty of nature and the environment. - Using fine arts to understand and explore the environment. 4.3 0.7 0.72 strong 36%
The responsibility Using fine arts to promote sustainable behaviors - Contributing to artistic projects that help enhance the educational environment 4.1 0.9 0.61 strong 30.50%
Physical education standards Fitness Exercising regularly to reduce dependence on environmentally unfriendly means of transportation- Participating in outdoor sports activities. 4.0 1 0.58 middle 29%
Teamwork spirit Working together to solve environmental problems. -Participation in sports projects that enhance cooperation and respect. 4.2 0.8 0.67 strong 33.50%
Positive values Promoting positive values, such as: responsibility, respect, and justice, which are necessary to achieve sustainable development .Using sports to promote moral behavior. 4.3 0.7 0.71 strong 35.50%


It is clear from Table No. (3) and Figure No. (1): The average values indicate that students of the College of Arts and Physical Education realize the importance of the standards of fine arts and physical education in applying green education to achieve the goals of sustainable development and that Standard deviation values indicate that there is some variation in students’ opinions about the importance of fine arts and physical education standards in implementing green education to achieve sustainable development goals. that Correlation values confirm the existence of a positive, statistically significant relationship between the criteria of Fine arts, physical education, and the application of green education to achieve sustainable development goals. The magnitude of the impact of fine arts and physical education standards has a strong impact on the application of green education to achieve sustainable development goals. And the contribution percentage came The percentage of contribution to fine arts and physical education standards contributes significantly to the application of green education to achieve sustainable development goals. This agrees with both(Carlie D. T., 2020) (Ghazi., 2023) (Khudhair, 2024) (Ghazi., 2023) (Charlotte, 2022) (Hosein, 2024)

Conclusions and Recommendations


• The results of this study confirm that students of the College of Arts and Physical Education realize the importance of fine arts and physical education standards in applying green education to achieve sustainable development goals.

• The standard deviation values indicate that there is some variation in students’ opinions about the importance of fine arts and physical education standards in applying green education to achieve sustainable development goals.

• The correlation values confirm the existence of a positive, statistically significant relationship between the standards of fine arts and physical education and the application of green education to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

• The effect size values indicate that fine arts and physical education standards have a strong impact on the application of green education to achieve sustainable development goals.

• The contribution percentage indicates that the standards of fine arts and physical education contribute significantly to the application of green education to achieve the goals of sustainable development.


• Teachers must effectively integrate fine arts and physical education standards into green education programs.

• Schools must provide an appropriate environment to implement green education programs that integrate fine arts and physical education standards.

• Parents should encourage their children to participate in green education programs that integrate fine arts and physical education standards.

• Governments and educational institutions should support research and studies on the best ways to integrate fine arts and physical education into green education.

• The media must spread awareness about the importance of fine arts and physical education in achieving sustainable development goals


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