The Level of Job Satisfaction for Coaches of Sports Teams Working In the Baghdad Education Directorate, Karkh I

Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Full Length Research Article - (2023) Volume 18, Issue 2

The Level of Job Satisfaction for Coaches of Sports Teams Working In the Baghdad Education Directorate, Karkh I

Abu-Baker Yousif Mohammed*
*Correspondence: Abu-Baker Yousif Mohammed, Directorate General of Education Karkh 1, Ministry of Education, Iraq, Email:
Directorate General of Education Karkh 1, Ministry of Education, Iraq

Received: 08-Mar-2023 Accepted: 22-Mar-2023 Published: 22-Mar-2023


The purpose of this paper is to knowing the level of job satisfaction for the coaches of the sports teams working in the Baghdad Education Directorate, Karkh I, from the point of view of the coaches themselves in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate, they are satisfied with working as a coach and at any level in particular, and does this level help them achieve their goals and are there suitable conditions for their work in this sports institution?, the researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method, due to its suitability with the nature of the research problem the study population consisted of (26) coaches in the sports teams working for the first Baghdad Karkh Directorate of Education, while the research sample was (26) coaches. A scale was prepared (job satisfaction for coaches of sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate), and the scale was applied to the sample to extract the scientific basis for the scale. To extract the results of the research, which include reaching a measure of job satisfaction for tennis coaches in Iraq and setting standard levels to know the level of their job satisfaction and it was found that they are in the level of job satisfaction they have a good level because of what they need from some things such as material and moral support and the existence of rewards in the case of achieving local achievements Increasing the facilities for sports games, providing more transportation requirements, good housing when there are external tournaments, and working on the availability of modern equipment that is compatible with the development of the games compared to the rest of the developed countries.


Job satisfaction. Coaches. Education directorates.


The success of the work is under conditions conducive to creativity and development and thus achieving the private and public goals. Thus, the process of upgrading the level of sports teams and education teams must have conditions at a good level so that we can upgrade the process and thus achieve sports achievement at the level of the Sunni groups in the teams of the Directorate of Education, and from It is possible to build high-level sports generations to serve the sports march in the future, as many school students practice sports in Iraq, and you also find them creative at the level of clubs and national teams. Previously, many players were discovering their talent in the education teams, but it is noted that the available conditions Now is not suitable for this generation of young athletes who are preparing the future of sports in Iraq.

The profession of a coach is very important through his clear role in selecting good young players and working on refining them and bringing them to the stage of playing in clubs and national teams, and the process of choosing the best to reach the national teams and constantly striving for the stability of sports teams and also meeting the requirements for success despite the circumstances that may be unsuitable at times. In several respects, the most important of which is the financial aspect and the ever-changing conditions of the country.

As job satisfaction is one of the most important elements that help raise the quality of the performance of workers within any institution, and providing the coaches with personal and functional needs and providing them with the simplest types of general services in the federation leads to an increase in the bonds of belonging that bind them with their sports institution in which they work, as he knows (Al-Muammar 1993) Job satisfaction is the state through which the individual achieves himself and satisfies his desires, which makes him approach his work with desire and enthusiasm and is keen to increase his efficiency, production and work.

This satisfaction is consistent with the main goal that the sports administration generally aims at, which is to develop athletes, provide services to all its employees, respond to their material and moral needs, and create conditions and capabilities that help them increase the level of their training performance at the level of their effectiveness within the sports institution.

Therefore, when good and appropriate conditions are available, the level of job satisfaction among the trainers increases, which gives the trainers a full and distinguished role in the training process, implementation of goals and achievement.

The importance of the research lies in identifying the extent of job satisfaction for the coaches of the sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate, and the level of that job satisfaction for the trainers within this institution, which helps the management of the Department of Sports Activity and the Department of Preparation and Training to know the reasons and factors that make the coach satisfied with his work and provide them with it and creating the appropriate conditions for performing the work, as well as knowing the factors that may make the coach dissatisfied with his work and working to avoid them, which helps to build a generation capable of achieving sports achievement.

Research Problem

The research problem appears through the fact that the coaches of the sports teams working in the first Baghdad Education Directorate Karkh, face some administrative and technical conditions that may hinder their job satisfaction within their sports institutions in which they work. The sports teams working in the Baghdad Directorate of Education, Karkh Al-Oula, and thus knowing the level of their job satisfaction within their institutions, noting that the coaches have a great, distinguished and special role in developing the training process and its reflection on the performance of the players, and that their role is a basis in the development and improvement processes for the players, so they must have all the conditions that help them For their success so that they can continue to make a great effort to develop this category of sports team players for the Directorate of Education.

Therefore, the job satisfaction of workers in sports clubs and institutions is a good measure of the extent of their acceptance of their work and the conditions available to achieve the training work with the best possible performance and the extent of providing the requirements for success compared to what is required of them in terms of performance and achievement negativity in the training process.

Research Objective

• Preparing and applying the job satisfaction scale for coaches of sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Directorate of Education. • Identifying the level of job satisfaction for coaches of sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Directorate of Education.

Research Methodology and Field Procedures

Research methodology

The researcher used the descriptive survey method to solve the study problem, as it is compatible with the nature of the problem.

Community and sample research

The research community was selected from the coaches of the sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate, numbering (26). They were chosen by the intentional method because they fit the research problem to be studied, while the research sample consisted of (26) trainers, with a percentage of (100%) of the parent community (Table 1).

Table 1: Shows the distribution of the sample.

Sample name No. of sample percentage
Exploratory experience 2 7.69%
sample scale application 24 92.30%

Preparing a job satisfaction scale for coaches of sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Directorate of Education:

To provide a tool through which to measure the level of job satisfaction for the coaches of the sports teams working in the Baghdad Directorate of Education, the Karkh, the researcher reviewed a set of studies and related measures, and it was reached to prepare a measure of job satisfaction for the coaches of the sports teams working in the Baghdad Directorate of Education, by relying on the scale that was built before (Hussein, Makki, and Al-Saadoun, 2008). And make the appropriate adjustments to it in order to be consistent with the research sample, as the researcher prepared and formulated the scale according to the research problem and appointed it, and they are the coaches of the sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate, and the researcher deleted, modified and added some phrases to the prepared scale, and the scientific foundations of the scale were extracted such as honesty and stability, The researcher presented the scale to a group of specialists in the field of sports management, testing and measurement, and their opinions were taken about modifying some phrases, and (30) phrases were approved, as shown in table 2, and thus a scale consistent with the research community was reached (Table 2).

Table 2: Shows the distribution of the Paragraphs on the field of the scale.

Field name Phrases no. of
Work content 7
Work environment 8
Salary and material incentives 8
physical patterns 7

Calculating the weights of the alternatives:

The researcher relied on correcting the expressions of the scale by giving each of the expressions of the scale the appropriate weight for it, according to the sample’s choice of the scale of estimation, and since the expressions have two directions (negative - positive), weights (1-5) were determined in front of each phrase of the scale, as shown in the table 3 (Table 3).

Table 3: Shows alternative weights for positive and negative statements.

Alternatives Paragraphs
Full  gree Agree Not sure Not agree Not agree at all
Positive 5 4 3 2 1
negative 1 2 3 4 5

Virtual Validity

The researcher used virtual honesty in order to verify the suitability of the expressions of the measure (job satisfaction for coaches of sports teams working in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate) to measure the problem to be studied. The required characteristic and through which the extent of clarity of the expressions and their validity is known through the appropriate answers and according to the opinion of the specialists, which indicates the extent to which the expressions of the scale are related to the variable to be measured, and this indicator of validity is achieved as indicated (Freeman, 1962, 90) "When a person related to the subject decides that the measure is appropriate for the characteristic to be measured, and this may be an expert." The researcher achieved this sincerity by presenting the expressions of the scale to a group of specialists, and the necessary statistical measures were taken to extract the value of approval of the phrases, and a percentage of (75%) or more was relied upon as a percentage of acceptance of the phrase within the phrases of the scale. (33) Phrases were displayed on Experts after conducting the statistical analysis of the opinions of the experts, the same (30) phrases were kept with some modifications to the phrases in order to fit the research sample.


The researcher made sure that the study scale was characterized by stability with the coefficient (Alpha Cro-Nabach). It was found that the value of the correlation coefficient for the scale (Job satisfaction for coaches of sports teams working in Baghdad Karkh First Directorate of Education). It is (0.82), which is a high value of correlation, so the scale can be described as stable, and thus the possibility of applying it to the study sample. After extracting the scientific foundations of the scale and applying the scale to the research sample, which numbered (26) trainers, and after this procedure, the scale was applied on Sunday corresponding to (8/1/2023), to Tuesday corresponding to 17/1/2023, when the direct meeting took place with The coaches of the sports teams working in the Baghdad Education Directorate, Karkh, the first, and the number of the sample reached (26) coaches, after which the scale forms were collected and unloaded for statistical treatment, and the researcher used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) ((Hashem et al. 2022) , (Shaker, Tuama, and Radhi 2022).

Results and Discussion

Presentation, analysis and discussion of the level of job satisfaction for coaches of sports teams in Baghdad Karkh First Directorate of Education (Table 4).

Table 4: Shows job satisfaction levels and their percentages.

Very  good Good Middle Weak Very weak
Repetition 2 12 7 2 1
Percentage 7.69% 46.15% 26.29% 7.96% 3.84%


After the process of applying the scale to the application sample, the results were extracted and statistical treatments were conducted for it, as shown in Table No. (4), it was reached to know the level of job satisfaction among the coaches of the sports teams working in the first Baghdad Education Directorate, and the level (very good) had been obtained At a percentage of 7.69%, while the (good) level got a percentage of 46.15%, which is the highest among the rest of the percentages, and the (middle) level got a percentage of 26.29%, while the (weak) level got a percentage of 7.96%, and the level ( very weak) at a rate of 3.84%, and this indicates that most of the coaches feel satisfied while performing their work at a good rate, which indicates that the work is proceeding in a way that helps the employees to perform appropriately, but more support is needed to achieve sports achievement at the level of the education directorates in Baghdad.

We conclude from these results that the level of job satisfaction for the coaches of the sports teams working in the Baghdad Directorate of Education, Karkh, is of a good level. And possible and commensurate with the nature of their work, but there are some trainers who need material and moral support, and there are also some problems such as the lack of suitability of the salary with the needs of the trainers and the need for more moral and material rewards in the event of achieving any achievement. (Ashour. 2005) the fact that money or money is the only means to acquire the material requirements of life, and that it is a means to improve the conditions of other aspects of life outside the organization, and this strengthens the relationship between the various aspects of the worker's life. There is also interest, but at a good level that can be improved by the departments of the sports departments in the directorate, and it is mentioned (Mahdi and Nassif. 2022). “It is essential for any organization to provide supplies and work to prepare the workers to accept and use them, which helps the satisfaction of the workers in the sports institution.” And also to help the trainers to be creative in their field of work see (Basalamah, 2022), the coaches and supervisors of sports activities need sufficient capabilities and experience so that he can be able to analyze according to well-studied, sound and not random bases, in order to help him follow the correct procedures." It is necessary to provide all the needs when there are tournaments such as means of transportation or places for accommodation and food, and also to provide suitable places for training before and during the competitions, and it is necessary that there be an organizational culture for the work of the coaches so that their work is direct towards achieving the goals of the institution, as mentioned (Alwan and Refaat, 2022 )” The organizational culture, with its material and moral components, leaves imprints on administrative organizations in general and vital institutions in particular. Also, one of the reasons for this good level of satisfaction among the trainers is that they look at their peers in other countries and find that the comparison may be unfair because of the old equipment and supplies, or the mechanism of direct dealing with the trainers, or for material, moral and social reasons, including good and suitable wages for living, incentives and continuous rewards and promotion quickly and commensurate with the approved mechanism, so the trainer feels satisfied if the revenues are distributed according to a specific, fixed system that guarantees their availability in the appropriate amount and in a fair manner.” And the availability of all requirements for the success of the trainer leads to raising the level of his belonging to the institution, as he mentions (Khudair, and Mahdi. 2021), quoting ( Araby Chamoun. 1996) Organizational affiliation is the individual's feeling of integration and unity with the organization to which he belongs and his acceptance of its goals and values and his eagerness to stay with it and exert maximum energy in it to achieve the highest rates of performance to help achieve its goals, and also work to take the opinions of trainers when making fateful decisions, and it is also possible to provide laws and systems that protect the coach and stand by him and prevent his expulsion or compromising his own structure and not forcing him to do things he is not convinced of, as well as rewarding and supporting him continuously according to proven systems that make him continue to achieve achievements, as systems have an important role, as mentioned. (Ashour. 2006), which confirms that “The existence of work systems, regulations, procedures, and rules for regulating work and clarifying actions and their sequence in a way that facilitates work and does not hinder it. Whenever this policy is characterized by flexibility, integration, stability, and the availability of complete information, there is a relative guarantee of job satisfaction.”

Appendix 1: Names of experts Names of experts to whom the content analysis form was presented.

scientific title
and the name of the expert
specialization Affiliations
1 Prof.. Dr. Hassan Nagy Mahmoud Sports management Israa College, Department of Physical Education
2 Prof. Dr. Abdullah Hazaa Ali Sports psychology College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad
3 Prof. Dr. Zahraa Shaab Test and measure College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad
4 Prof. Dr. Khaled Aswad Laikh Management and Organization College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Al-Muthanna University
5 Prof. Dr. Salam Hantoush Rashid Management and Organization Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education / Department of Physical Education
6 Assist. Prof. Dr.  Muhammad Qusay Muhammad Management and Organization College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad
7 Lec. Haider Talib Jassim Management - Football College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad

Appendix 2: Shows the final scale

Paragraphs Full  agree agree not sure not agree Not agree at all
1 I feel happier when I do my job than the rest of the team          
2 I have no desire to do my job          
3 The nature of my work and its requirements are compatible with my professional future and my ambition          
5 My work is commensurate with my educational attainment and with my practical abilities and skills          
6 I feel in harmony with the players of the team I coach and with the management of the sports department in which I work          
7 My profession provides security for my family in the event of my inability to continue working          
8 My profession enables me to discover and refine athletic talents    
9 I have good relations and friendship with the management responsible for my work          
10 Appropriate physical working conditions are provided, such as lighting, cleanliness, noiselessness, and others          
12 Time passes slowly while doing my work          
13 The department management provides me with equipment and tools such as playgrounds, rackets, nets, and appropriate means of transportation with the size of the achievement required of me          
14 I feel that the management of the department is cooperating with me, and this increases my performance          
15 Get my respect and appreciation from the department management when you achieve an athletic achievement          
16 The existing facilities are advanced and suit the nature of the game that I train          
17 There are resting places, bathrooms, changing rooms and other necessities    
18 I receive material rewards and moral support when achieving an achievement          
19 I receive a good salary that meets my needs and the needs of my family          
20 Get rewards that match my work requirements and achievements          
21 I do my work without desire because my salary is not rewarding          
22 Material rewards push me to double my effort in performing the work          
23 I feel dissatisfied when I achieve an achievement and do not receive recognition or motivation          
24 The administration cares about the coaches' affairs, understands their desires, and fulfills their aspirations          
25 Club presidents and the tennis federation adopt a democratic style when making decisions          
26 The departments give me enough confidence and authority to do the right work          
27 The department management has sufficient technical knowledge of the game          
28 My boss listens to my suggestions when making a game decision          
29 The management of the club and the federation share with us in solving problems that we may face during internal and external tournaments or training          
30 The management of the club and the federation provides the regulations and laws that support the coach and preserve his rights          


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