The Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology (RIPED) began with the commitment of many professionals interested in Exercise and Sport Psychology, and a desire to expand scientific knowledge, research and the practice in this area where psychology is combined with exercise and sport.
This project emerges thanks to the interest shown by many collectives from different countries that share our cultural, social, and linguistic background and are strongly involved in this discipline, such as the Spanish Federation of Sports Psychology (FEPD), Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology (SPPD), Association of Sports Psychology Argentina (APDA), Uruguayan Society of Sports Psychology (SUPDE), Scholarly articles for Brazilian Society of Sports Psychology (SOBRAPE), BOLIVIAN SOCIETY OF PSYCHOLOGY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS (SOBOPAD), among others.
In Spain, among the associations that clearly support this project and are involved in a very decisive manner are the Canary Association of Psychology of Sports (ACAPDE), Catalan Association of Sports Psychology (ACPE), Association of Sports Psychology of Andalusia (APDA) and the Spanish-Leonese Association of Sports Psychology (ACLPD), Galician Associate of specialists in Psychology of Sports and Physical Activity (EPSIDE).
Therefore, this project intends to bring together and share with all those professionals, not only those concerned with psychology, but also those from related disciplines, who are interested in the research of exercise and sports psychology.
In this sense, this idea has a vocational intention, on the one hand, to promote the serious and rigorous work which is being carried out, and on the other hand, it is the exponent of what is being carried out in each and every one of our countries
One of our motivations is to collaborate in order to place the Latin American world at the level it deserves, and it should be high, and although it may seem pretentious, to place it at the same level as the Anglo-Saxon world, at least when referring to the popular science of the environment of specialization.
If we take into account the population which includes the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, we are more than 500 million people and we have a level of scientific development which has been considerably increased in the past few years. In our opinion, our existent potential is very promising. Therefore, the journal publishes articles not only in Spanish, but also in Portuguese and English.
In this journal, there is room for empirical studies and articles more applied to the practice of sports and physical exercise. There are also reviews on the latest books related to our discipline and which constitute progress for it.
The Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology (RIPED) is published every six months, in June and December.
We would like to encourage all the members of our scientific and professional community to take part in this new and exciting adventure.
Felix Guillen Garcia
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