Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology



Juan GonzÃ?Æ?Ã?¡lez, Enrique J. GarcÃ?Æ?Ã?©s de los Fayos, Clara LÃ?Æ?Ã?³pez-Mora y Julio Zapata

When establishing individual differences in sporting contexts that allow to explain coherently person-sport interaction, should be considered therefore certain individual characteristics (age, gender, personality, cognitives skills, emotionals, etc.) and contextuals (type of sport, level of dedication, etc). At the same time, should be paid attention to those that facilitate a useful information and applicability to sports performance, trying offer direct feedback to the sports practices. Objective. Describe and establish relations between personality signals and contextuals situations regarding make decisions in sport practice. Method. A study was done with a random sample of athletes (N = 623) between 16 and 50 years old, using personality (BFQ) and make decisions (CETD) questionnaires. Results. Perseverance is shown as the most characteristics indicator of sample; women indicate highest rates in personality dimensions, least in control emotions and openness to culture. Professional athletes differ significantly in dominance and perseverance with respect to athletes amateurs, and those who practice individual sports point significantly better control emotions that those who practice sports colective, that indicate highest significantly in cordiality. Also, women indicate significantly worst rates in anxiety and perceived competence in make decisions. Conclusions. Results allow confirm the hypothesis raised, emphasizing above all that as levels increased of cordiality and cooperation, reduce levels of commitment decisions, allowing more in team sports association
