Citations Report
Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology has got h-index 39, which means every article in Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology has got 39 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology.
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |
Total published articles |
36 | 26 | 38 | 32 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
442 | 495 | 421 | 429 |
Journal total citations count | 5465 |
Journal impact factor | 0.06 |
Journal 5 years impact factor | 0.06 |
Journal cite score | 0.5 |
Journal h-index | 39 |
Journal h-index since 2019 | 25 |
Zarauz, A., Ruiz-Juan, F., & Flores-Allende, G. (2016). Predictive models of motivation in route runners based on their training habits. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(2), 185-192. |
Hernandez-Mendo, A., Blanco-Villasenor, A., Luis Pastrana, J., Morales-Sanchez, V., & Jesus Ramos-Perez, F. (2016). SAGT: new software for generalizability analysis. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(1), 77-89. |
Hernandez-Mendo, A., Blanco-Villasenor, A., Luis Pastrana, J., Morales-Sanchez, V., & Jesus Ramos-Perez, F. (2016). SAGT: new software for generalizability analysis. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(1), 77-89. |
Hernandez-Mendo, A., Blanco-Villasenor, A., Luis Pastrana, J., Morales-Sanchez, V., & Jesus Ramos-Perez, F. (2016). SAGT: new software for generalizability analysis. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(1), 77-89. |
Hernandez-Mendo, A., Blanco-Villasenor, A., Luis Pastrana, J., Morales-Sanchez, V., & Jesus Ramos-Perez, F. (2016). SAGT: new software for generalizability analysis. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(1), 77-89. |
Hernandez-Mendo, A., Blanco-Villasenor, A., Luis Pastrana, J., Morales-Sanchez, V., & Jesus Ramos-Perez, F. (2016). SAGT: new software for generalizability analysis. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(1), 77-89. |
Hernandez-Mendo, A., Blanco-Villasenor, A., Luis Pastrana, J., Morales-Sanchez, V., & Jesus Ramos-Perez, F. (2016). SAGT: new software for generalizability analysis. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11(1), 77-89. |
Zarauz, A., & Ruiz-Juan, F. (2016). Motivation, satisfaction, perception and beliefs about the causes of success in Spanish master athletes. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA DEL EJERCICIO Y EL DEPORTE, 11(1), 37-46. |
Zarauz, A., & Ruiz-Juan, F. (2016). Motivation, satisfaction, perception and beliefs about the causes of success in Spanish master athletes. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA DEL EJERCICIO Y EL DEPORTE, 11(1), 37-46. |
Zarauz, A., & Ruiz-Juan, F. (2016). Motivation, satisfaction, perception and beliefs about the causes of success in Spanish master athletes. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA DEL EJERCICIO Y EL DEPORTE, 11(1), 37-46. |
Ruiz-Barquin, R., del Campo Vecino, J., & de la Vega Marcos, R. (2015). Resilience in athletic coaches high performance. Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 69-76. |
Ruiz-Barquin, R., del Campo Vecino, J., & de la Vega Marcos, R. (2015). Resilience in athletic coaches high performance. Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 69-76. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |
Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., Cremascoli, V. C., & Iafrate, R. (2015). Rugby, self-perception and prosocial behaviour: Evidence from the italian “rugby project for schools”. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del ejercicio y el deporte, 10(1), 57-61. |