Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology

Raghdaa Fouad Mahammed

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad, Iraq

  • Full Length Research Article   
    The Assertive Behavior of Disabled Tennis and Table Tennis Players
    Author(s): Raghdaa Fouad Mahammed* and Sahira Razzaq Kadhum

    The research aims to prepare measures of assertive behavior for tennis and table tennis players with disabilities. Identifying the degree of assertive behavior of table tennis and table tennis players with disabilities. The two researchers hypothesized the following: There are no statistically significant differences in the degree of assertive behavior between the arithmetic mean and the hypothetical mean of tennis and table tennis players for the disabled. The two researchers used the descriptive approach due to its suitability to the nature of the current research. The current research sample included tennis and table tennis players for the disabled, who are (62) male and female players. The two researchers used the (M assertive behavior) scale according to the study (Muhammad, 2011), and the psychometric characteristics (honesty, constancy, and objectivity) were applied to it. The .. Read More»

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